Y3 visited the Museum of Natural Sciences
Olivos Primary
Last Friday, our Y3 students visited the Museum of Natural Sciences as part of UOI 4 “Living Together.” During the visit, they were able to explore different rooms with their exhibits. They learned many features of mammals, travelled to the past through palaeontology and representations of various dinosaurs, and observed in detail different insects, centipedes, spiders, and crabs. Without a doubt, this visit had them reflecting on the importance of the human role in learning to coexist and take care of all living beings that inhabit our planet.
El viernes pasado, nuestros alumnos de Y3 visitaron el Museo de Ciencias Naturales, en el marco de la UOI 4 “Viviendo Juntos”. Durante la visita, los chicos pudieron recorrer las distintas salas con sus exhibiciones. Aprendieron muchas características de mamíferos, visitaron el pasado a través de la paleontología y las representaciones de diferentes dinosaurios, y observaron con detalle distintos insectos, ciempiés, arañas y cangrejos. Sin dudas que esta visita nos ha hecho reflexionar sobre la importancia del rol del ser humano para aprender a convivir y cuidar de todos los seres vivos que habitan nuestro planeta.