Y1 – Liquids experiment!

Y1 – Liquids experiment!

Within the framework of UOI 4: Guardians of the Planet, Y1 students visited the laboratory to investigate liquids and their properties. There, they were able to test their hypotheses about whether it is possible to build a tower of liquids and observe the phenomenon of how they arrange themselves in a container according to their density. Finally, they put their learning to the test by dropping water balloons filled with different liquids into a container of water.

En el marco de la UOI 4: Guardianes del planeta, los alumnos de Y1 visitaron el laboratorio para indagar acerca de los líquidos y sus propiedades. Allí pudieron poner a prueba sus hipótesis sobre si es posible armar una torre de líquidos y observar el fenómeno de cómo los mismos se ordenaban dentro de un recipiente de acuerdo a su densidad. Finalmente, pusieron a prueba lo aprendido soltando globos de agua llenos de distintos líquidos dentro de un recipiente con agua.