Workshop with Maria Zysman
Taller con María Zysman
Olivos Primary – Y6
Year 6 Students participated in a workshop with María Zysman, a renowned educational psychologist and founder of the organisation Libres de Bullying. During this space, students had conversations and reflected on the relational dynamics they maintain, empathy, assertiveness, and the challenges they currently face.
They engaged in group activities, shared how they feel, and proposed actions to continue working together. We will continue to support their development and growth.
Los alumnos de Y6 participaron de un taller con María Zysman, reconocida psicopedagoga, fundadora de la organización Libres de Bullying, en el que conversaron y reflexionaron sobre la modalidad vincular que mantienen, la empatía, la asertividad y los desafíos con los que se encuentran actualmente.
Realizaron dinámicas de grupo, compartieron cómo se sienten y nos propusimos acciones para continuar trabajando juntos. Seguiremos acompañando su desarrollo y crecimiento.