Student Council
Student Council
Olivos Primary – Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6
The Student Council is an initiative that has been carried out for many years, which seeks to promote the agency, proactivity and commitment of students to their daily lives at school.
Each year, those year 3 and EP2 students interested in exercising leadership roles through this proposal prepare by thinking, writing and sharing a speech with their class. Then, all the children participate in a vote through which the Class Representative is elected.
On Tuesday, April 11th, we had our first Student Council meeting. Each member got to know each other and was assigned their first task.
These are opportunities for reflection, collaborative multi-age work, voice-choice & ownership.
We will be working on agreements for the playground next month.
We congratulate all the children who presented themselves and the new Class Representatives.
El Student Council es una iniciativa que se lleva adelante desde hace muchos años, que busca promover la agencia, proactividad y compromiso de los estudiantes con su día a día en la escuela.
Cada año, aquellos alumnos de año 3 y EP2 interesados en ejercer roles de liderazgo a través de esta propuesta, se preparan pensando, escribiendo y compartiendo un speech con su clase. Luego, todos los niños realizan una votación mediante la cual se elige al Class Representative.
El martes 11 de abril tuvimos nuestra primera reunión del Student Council. Cada miembro se conoció y se les asignó su primera tarea.
Estas son oportunidades de reflexión, trabajo colaborativo multiedad, voice-choice & ownership.
Estaremos trabajando en acuerdos para el patio de recreo el próximo mes.
Felicitamos a todos los niños que se presentaron y a los nuevos Class Representatives.