Special Visit for our General Rehearsal!

Special Visit for our General Rehearsal!

Last week, EP2 students had their General Rehearsal for their “Rainbow Connection” Musical at the BH. But this was a different rehearsal. This year, our students performed in a BH that was filled with laughter, magic, joy and curiosity. As always, K5 and EP1 students came to watch the show, but we also had the privilege of receiving a group of EP2 students from Colegio Virgen del Carmen. For many of them, it was the first time in a theatre, and they were very excited, happy and thankful. We will keep thinking of proposals that allow us to strengthen our bonds and sense of community. The ball is rolling!

La semana pasada, los alumnos de EP2 tuvieron su Ensayo General para su Musical “Rainbow Connection” en el Brightman Hall. Pero este fue un ensayo diferente. Este año, actuaron en un Brightman Hall lleno de risas, magia, alegría y curiosidad. Como siempre, alumnos de K5 y EP1 vinieron a ver el espectáculo, pero también tuvimos el privilegio de recibir a un grupo de alumnos de EP2 del Colegio Virgen del Carmen. Para muchos de ellos, era la primera vez en un teatro, y estaban muy emocionados, felices y agradecidos. Seguiremos pensando propuestas que nos permitan fortalecer nuestros lazos y sentido de comunidad.

The ball is rolling!