Relaunch of the Senior Secondary Choir
Relanzamiento del Coro de Secundaria
Olivos & Nordelta
We are very pleased to announce the relaunch of our legendary Senior Choir at both sites, Olivos and Nordelta.
From the music department, we want to re-emphasize the great prestigious significance that the Senior Choir has had in previous years, keeping its essence but bringing a new breath to it, incorporating different genres and artists from different musical currents and genres such as pop and gospel, within the repertoire.
We seek to enhance the reputation and the spirit that the Senior Choir has had for many years. That is the inheritance of Northland’s legacy.
The Senior Choir will be conducted by the new Music Leader, Juan Estanga, with the assistance of Mariana Botta.
Please take the time to watch the video we have made for the Northlands community with the Senior Choir team and the fabulous intervention of our students Violeta de Stefano, Valentina Jabib, Alma Brener and Casiana Sterman, of Y9 and Y10 respectively.
Best regards, Juan Estanga.
Estamos muy contentos de relanzar nuestro legendario Coro de Secundaria en ambas sedes, Olivos y Nordelta.
Desde el departamento de música, queremos volver a destacar la prestigiosa trascendencia que ha tenido el Coro de Secundaria en años anteriores, manteniendo su esencia pero aportándole un nuevo aire, incorporando dentro del repertorio, diferentes géneros y artistas de distintas corrientes y géneros musicales como el pop y el gospel.
Buscamos realzar la reputación y el espíritu que el Coro ha tenido durante muchos años. Esa es la herencia del legado de Northlands.
El Coro Senior será dirigido por el nuevo Director Musical, Juan Estanga, con la asistencia de Mariana Botta.
Por favor, tómense el tiempo de ver el video que hemos realizado para la comunidad de Northlands con el equipo del Senior Choir y la fabulosa intervención de nuestras alumnas Violeta de Stefano, Valentina Jabib, Alma Brener y Casiana Sterman, de Y9 y Y10 respectivamente.
Un cordial saludo, Juan Estanga.