Olivos & Nordelta International Families Breakfast
Olivos & Nordelta
Two beautiful mornings to welcome new families joining our Northlands Community this second half of the year. The aim of organising these gatherings at both sites is to strengthen and build bonds amongst the international families and support them in their transition process to their new country.
On this occasion we organised a lovely breakfast where families brought typical food from their countries to share. There, we took the opportunity to address the organisation of the upcoming Intercultural event and our 2022 Solidarity Kermesse and families got to mingle and get to know each other a little more. Attending families were from different parts of the world such as Bahamas, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Chile, Estonia, India, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Perú, Russia, Spain,Switzerland, Taiwan, United Kingdom, United States of America and Venezuela. We had a wonderful time!
Con gran alegría nos reunimos para dar la bienvenida a las nuevas familias que se unieron a la comunidad de Northlands. El objetivo es fortalecer y crear vínculos entre las familias internacionales; y acompañarlas en el proceso de adaptación a su nuevo país.
Organizamos dos desayunos, uno en cada sede, y las familias trajeron comida típica de sus países para compartir. Se explicó la organización del evento Intercultural y la Kermesse Solidaria 2022 y las familias lograron conocerse un poco más. Asistieron familias de diferentes partes del mundo como ser de Bahamas, Brasil, Canadá, Colombia, Corea, Chile, España, Estados Unidos de América, Estonia, India, Italia, Méjico, Noruega, Países Bajos, Perù, Reino Unido, Rusia, Suiza, Taiwán y Venezuela. ¡Pasamos un rato muy agradable!