“I don’t know yet, but I want to help others!”

“I don’t know yet, but I want to help others!”

What did you dream of becoming when you were a child?

“Childhood dreams are like stars guiding us through the vast universe of possibilities, waiting to shine bright when we grow up.”

To wrap up the week, and as part of Unit of Inquiry 5, “Production and Service,” where Y2 students have been exploring the fascinating connections between systems and communities, decision-making in societies, and economic activities, the children arrived at school dressed as different professionals from our world. Northlands was filled with excitement as astronauts, football referees, YouTubers, chefs, singers, football players, teachers and artists came to life, sharing with their peers the stories behind their chosen professions. And remember, even if you are a grownup, it’s never too late to reach for the stars and follow your dreams!

“Los sueños de la infancia son como estrellas que nos guían a través del vasto universo de posibilidades, esperando brillar intensamente cuando crecemos.”

Para cerrar la semana y en el marco de la UOI 5, “Producción y Servicio,” donde los alumnos de Y2 han estado explorando las fascinantes conexiones entre los sistemas y comunidades, la toma de decisiones en las sociedades y las actividades económicas, los niños llegaron al Colegio disfrazados de diversos profesionales de nuestro mundo. Northlands se llenó de emoción cuando astronautas, árbitros de fútbol, youtubers, cocineros, cantantes, futbolistas, maestros y artistas cobraron vida, compartiendo con sus compañeros las historias detrás de sus profesiones elegidas. ¡Y recuerden, aun siendo un adulto, nunca es tarde para alcanzar las estrellas y seguir nuestros sueños!