Matific Number 1!
We are filled with pride to share some outstanding news: our Year 3 Olivos student, Liam Weisbrot, has received a special mention in the Matific Olympiad. This prestigious recognition is awarded to the top student of each grade, selected from 1,000 participating schools and 93,000 students who took part in this competition. We are honoured [...]
Y1- Investigate the past, to understand the present and plan for the future!
Within the framework of the UOI “A Long, Long Time Ago,” our Y1 students explored ancient civilisations, such as the Egyptian one. In this process, they learned about their systems of organisation, clothing and inventions. To do so, they reflected on the various ways we have today of understanding events that happened thousands of years [...]
Y6 Led Lights
The Lumia Project is part of an inquiry that accompanies the UOI “Energies” within the framework of the transdisciplinary theme How the world works and consists of exploring colour from its source: light. To do this, the Y6 students carried out sequenced experimentation and investigation: they projected a beam of light with flashlights onto a [...]
Training session with Horacio Itzcovich
As part of our academic staff’s ongoing professional development, last week we welcomed Horacio Itzcovich, the renowned mathematician and expert in the teaching of Geometry. He discussed with teachers the importance of building up geometric reasoning strategies to allow students to better understand the mathematical language and above all, deepen their thinking skills. Through practical [...]
1st Communion
On Saturday November 2nd a group of Y4 Students Olivos celebrated their 1st Communion. On this special occasion members of Northlands Choir sang during the celebration. El sábado 2 de noviembre, un grupo de alumnos de Y4 de Olivos celebraron su Primera Comunión. En esta ocasión especial, miembros del Coro de Northlands cantaron durante la [...]
Y3 visited Casa Rosada and the National Congress
Within the framework of the transdisciplinary theme "How we organise ourselves and the UOI Institutions," Y3 visited Casa Rosada, the seat of our country's executive power. Students could walk through the building´s various historical places such as the White Room and the Palm-trees Courtyard. They also had the opportunity to watch a changing of the [...]
Football Interhouse EP2
We had a spectacular Interhouse event with an average of 10 students per house and per year, approximately 240 students filling the fields with color and joy. From the start, we immersed ourselves in the spirit of the day with a clear goal: to play the best football while showcasing three key values that stood [...]
Y4 Workshop with AUDELA
Within our Personal and Social Education Programme, students in Y4 participated in a workshop run by AUDELA on Thursday 1st. This is an organisation that works to increase awareness through special programmes in order to promote the social integration of people with special needs. With their workshops they seek to “transform the social perception of [...]