First Maker Project Y8: Digital guitars
Creación de guitarras digitales Olivos Secondary - Y8 As the first "Maker" project of the year, Y8 students created digital guitars programmed with MICRO:BIT cards by transcribing melodies from popular songs and composing their own music. In the first phase, the groups (organised by roles) designed their own guitars with a variety of materials, developing [...]
International Awards Ceremony
Ceremonia de Premiación Internacional Olivos & Nordelta Y11 Secondary Congratulations to our Y11 students and Class of 2021 for your achievements!! ¡Felicitaciones a nuestros alumnos de Año 11 y a la camada 2021 por sus logros!
Y1- LA HORMIGA TITINA - PROYECTO DE MÚSICA Y DISEÑO Y TECNOLOGÍA Olivos Primary Y1 Y1 students worked in a blended project with Music and Design and Technology together. The starting point was ¨La hormiga Titina¨ ´s song by María Elena Walsh. They learnt to sing it, to act it out and to accompany it [...]
Talk conducted by Maria Zysman – Founder of “Free of Bullying”
Charla conducida por María Zysman - Fundadora de "Libres del Bullying" Olivos & Nordelta Olivos & Nordelta families were invited to listen to Maria Zysman, founder of "Free of Bullying" to discuss the bonds in children and their ways of relating, what place adults occupy face this situation, and also provides us strategies and tools [...]
Inspiring Real Life Experiences by Gillian Hartley
Experiencias de vida que inspiran, por Gillian Hartley Gillian Hartley (ON 1958) gave a talk about her story as an Indonesian Concentration Camp survivor during World War II Thank you so much Gillian for this wonderful and inspiring talk!! Gillian Hartley (ON 1958) compartió su historia como sobreviviente de un campo de concentración de Indonesia [...]
Meet & Reflect
Ir al Encuentro Olivos & Nordelta - 2022 // Olivos y Nordelta - 2022 Our "Meet and Reflect" are encounters for us to listen, share and talk about how our children are feeling, about your and our concerns, and to bring up issues or matters related to raising children. It is a moment of active [...]
Brightman Hall Inauguration
Inauguración Brightman Hall Olivos & Nordelta - 28, 29, 30 & 31 March 2022 // Olios y Nordelta - 28, 29, 30 y 31 de marzo 2022 Last week's inauguration of the Brightman Hall in our Olivos site was epic. This amazing new centre for the arts inspired a fabulous 4 day event where around 2500 people [...]