Habitat for Humanity
Habitat para la Humanidad Secondary Olivos - Y11 & Y12 On Saturday the 20th of August and 15th of October, students from Y11 and Y12 went to "La Boca" to work with the organisation "Habitat for Humanity". Habitat is an international organisation that works towards helping everyone have a dignified home. The Argentine chapter was [...]
IB Evaluation Feedback
As an IB World School, NORTHLANDS goes through a review process every 5 years, to make sure learning & teaching standards and practices are in place and highly developed. After a thorough revision and as a result of self-study, we designed a Programme Development Plan to promote student Agency in Kinder, Primary and Secondary School. [...]
Encantar Choir trip 2022
"Encantar" coro primaria Olivos Primary On September 28, 29 and 30, children who are part of the Primary Choir participated in “Encantar”, a meeting with different schools that takes place in Mar del Plata. After getting ready with joy and teamwork, they were able to share their music with others, and enjoy a few days [...]
DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP MONTH – Talk by Sebastian Bortnik, expert in Technology & Cyber security
MES DE LA CIUDADANÍA DIGITAL - Charla de Sebastían Bortnik, experto en seguridad informática Olivos & Nordelta Primary
Olivos & Nordelta International Families Breakfast
Desayuno Familias Internacionales Olivos & Nordelta Two beautiful mornings to welcome new families joining our Northlands Community this second half of the year. The aim of organising these gatherings at both sites is to strengthen and build bonds amongst the international families and support them in their transition process to their new country. On this [...]
NEWSIES UNITED Nordelta Primary On September 7 & 8, our students from Primary presented their musical ¨Newsies United´. What a magnificent production! A 2 night show at the Auditorium, packed with talent, great music and contagious dancing! Congratulations to everyone involved on such a colorfoul perfomances!! El 7 y 8 de septiembre nuestros alumnos de [...]
REACH FOR THE STARS Olivos Primary - EP2 On September 1st and 5th, our students from EP2 presented their musical ¨Reach For The Stars´. With Miss María José Lizaso and the teachers´ support, they worked hard throughout months with commitment, responsibility and joy in order to delight us with two wonderful shows in which laughter, [...]
Happy Teacher’s Day!
¡Feliz Día del maestro! Kinder & Primary - Olivos & Nordelta KINDER OLIVOS DURING THE MORNING ASSEMBLY, the children helped Miss Alina and Miss Vanesa to thank the teachers for their dedication and work. They helped them to hand out the presents for the teachers playing a small guessing game. It was an enormous success [...]