Campamento Nordelta Primary - Y3 On 19, 20 and 21 April, our Year 3 students traveled to Ezeiza to take part in an outdoor activity, with the objective of further strengthening the bonds among them. They learned to put up tents and slept in them, prepared their own lunch, played fun games in the sun [...]
Student Council
Student Council Olivos Primary - Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6 The Student Council is an initiative that has been carried out for many years, which seeks to promote the agency, proactivity and commitment of students to their daily lives at school. Each year, those year 3 and EP2 students interested in exercising leadership roles through [...]
Friendship Day
Friendship Day Olivos Primary - Y4 On Friday 21 April, Y4 spent a day outdoors playing team building games to deepen their communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. They really had fun all together! Afterwards, the students were divided into teams and came to an agreement to choose their names. They were given various challenges that [...]
UOI Celebrations and commemorations
UOI "Celebraciones y Conmemoraciones" Olivos Primary - Y6 Within the framework of the UOI Celebrations and Commemorations, Y6 students inquire about various cultural traditions and their significance. We had the pleasure of learning about the traditions of two families as part of our yearly unit of inquiry. The families were gracious to share their unique [...]
Artificial Intelligence
Inteligencia Artificial Nordelta Primary We continue to train the team of primary school teachers. In this new training space, the objective was to understand the pedagogical impact AI has in teaching and learning. Using powerful AI tools, our teachers were able to create content to enhance and leverage their teaching skills. Seguimos formando al equipo [...]
International University Fair
Feria Internacional de Universidades Olivos & Nordelta Secondary - Y11 & Y12 On April 21 we had the pleasure of hosting an International University Fair both at Olivos and Nordelta sites. It was a fruitful experience for our Y11 and Y12 students as they were able to interact with US camp based Directors of Admissions. [...]
Theatre Outing
Salida al Teatro Olivos Secondary - Y11 As part of the IB programme, Year Y11 Theatre students attended the play “Un Domingo” in “El Galpón de Guevara” on Sunday 24 April. The performance was directed by outstanding Director Frances Florent Bergal. Also, on Friday 21 April, Y10 Drama students saw the play “La Pilarcita” written [...]
Marmalade Project
Proyecto mermelada Nordelta Primary - Y3 During April, our Year 3 students led an inquiry into productive circuits to better understand how the world works. Along the unit , they learned about how products they consume on a daily basis are produced and distributed and how this has an impact on local and global economies [...]