Senior Athletics Interhouse
Interhouse Atletismo Olivos & Nordelta - Secondary A day filled with healthy competition, diverse levels of motor performance, integrated teams across different sides and years, featuring mixed, competitive, and inclusive groups. It's truly uplifting to witness them competing, sharing, laughing, getting frustrated, and finding learning opportunities in every challenge. This stands as an exemplary educational [...]
OMA Primary & Secondary – Regional Round
Certamen Regional OMA Olivos & Nordelta - Primary & Secondary On Thursday 25 August, 23 students from Primary and Secondary participated in the Ñandú Regional Olympics organised by OMA. Students attended Marín School and took their exam alongside children from other schools in the area. We congratulate all those who participated for their effort and [...]
Master Classes with Horacio Lavandera
Clases magistrales con Horacio Lavandera After Horacio Lavandera’s unique piano Concert held at our Brightman Hall on August 10th, the Music Department organised a series of master classes with Horacio Lavandera and students from Northlands. The Masterclasses were developed to promote young Northlands talents and to serve as a source of inspiration and empowerment within [...]
Donations affected by floods
Colecta afectados por inundaciones Olivos & Nordelta As many of you are aware, the province of Buenos Aires recently experienced devastating floods, resulting in the evacuation of numerous families who have lost everything. Here at Northlands, we are proud to be a community that rallies together in the face of adversity. We wish to extend [...]
Service Trip to Rosario del Tala
Viaje de Servicio a Rosario del Tala Olivos & Nordelta Secondary As every year, students from Y8 and Y9 of both campuses shared 3 days of games and work with students from schools 50 and 51 in Rosario de Tala, Entre Ríos. Workshops were organised, a clothing fair was held, which raised around $450,000 between [...]
Children’s Day
Día de la Niñez Olivos & Nordelta Primary OLIVOS PRIMARY Happy Children's Day! Together, we celebrated Children's Day with various playtime activities. Throughout different moments of the day, students from Y1 to Y6 were able to have fun and enjoy their day by playing many game stations, which included Twister, Jenga, Clown Pants, Minesweeper, Memotest, [...]
Athletics Training Y4 to Y9 and Europe Sports Tour
Entrenamiento de Atletismo y Gira a Europa 2023 Olivos & Nordelta - Primary & Secondary Y4 to Y9 ATHLETICS TRAINING Y4 to Y9 A beautiful morning of training. Y4 to Y9 practiced athletics, the sport of fundamental physical abilities: strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination, the ability to perform movements accurately, quickly, and orderly. A significant [...]
Commemoration of the Passing of General San Martín
Conmemoración al fallecimiento del General San Martín Olivos Primary - Y6 On Tuesday 22, Y6 students were in charge of the Commemoration of the Passing of General San Martín. On this occasion, they shared with their families and all the Primary School everything they had learned about our national hero. They played instruments, sang, danced, [...]