Y3 visited “Amigos de la Astronomía”
Visita a "Amigos de la Astronomía" Nordelta Primary - Y3 Within the framework of the transdisciplinary theme “ How the World works”, our Y3 students visited“Amigos de la Astronomía ” on Monday 9th October, with the objective of further understanding how our universe works and broadening our cosmic vision. In this context, our students learned [...]
Northlands 2023 Spelling Bee
Concurso Ortográfico Northlands 2023 Olivos & Nordelta Secondary - Y7 & Y8 During the month of September, Y7 and Y8 students participated in the Northlands 2023 Spelling Bee. The competition consisted of four rounds in which each class carried out a weekly dictation based on a list of 200 words. In the first instance, students [...]
Friendship Day Y12
Día de Convivencia Olivos Secondary - Y12 Friendship Days are opportunities to continue fostering relationships between students and all other members of our school community who share with them their daily life at school. Looking at our past week's gathering, we can be positive that we have achieved our goal. On Friday 6 October we [...]
Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity
Día del Respeto por la Diversidad Cultural Nordelta Primary At Northlands on the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity we reinforce the importance of knowing how to accept and respect differences. There are many things that differentiate us and there are many things that unite us. Getting to know other people and their reality helps [...]
Visit from Escola Santa Monica, Brazil
Visita de La Escola Santa Monica de Brasil Nordelta & Olivos On Friday 20 October we received a visit from Escola Santa Monica, Brazil. We shared intense volleyball games and softball clinics. Our leaders had the opportunity to show off their communication and leadership skills, they were excellent hosts. Congratulations and we continue adding the [...]
K4 Camping
Campamento Nordelta Kinder - K4 A beautiful day to celebrate the encounter with nature. Physical challenges for all levels, bridges, spider rope, bread kneading, treasure hunt, animal games, songs and movements. These are the first steps for campers to enjoy the connection with nature with their friends. Congratulations campers! Un hermoso día para celebrar el [...]
PINKTOBER Olivos & Nordelta On World Breast Cancer Day, Northlands’ students and staff joined together to raise awareness of this disease by proudly wearing something pink to school. En el Día Mundial del Cáncer de Mama, los alumnos y el staff de Northlands se unieron para concientizar sobre esta enfermedad vistiendo con orgullo algo de [...]
Swimming Senior Interhouse
Interhouse Swimming Senior Olivos & Nordelta Secondary First Secondary Swimming Interhouse as the exams are about to start. Great performance and commitment to the House, congratulations to all who participated and collaborated. Primer Interhouse de swimming de secundaria ya que arrancan los exámenes. Gran performance y compromiso con el House, felicitaciones a todos los que [...]