Y4 visited the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires
Visita al Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires Olivos Primary - Y4 Last Friday, Y4 students went to visit the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires. During this visit, they had the opportunity to explore three art galleries titled “Pupila”, “Manifiesto verde” and “A 18 minutos del Sol”. These exhibitions are part of [...]
OMA – Ñandú – Olivos & Nordelta
OMA - Ñandú Olivos & Nordelta Primary & Secondary - Y5, Y6 & Y7 Last week, Matteo Benizio Deambrosi, Tomas Krezses, Olivia Catalina Meyer and Lev Dudin, from Y5, Y6 & Y7, participated in the National stage of the Argentine Mathematics Olympiad-Ñandú. They qualified for this stage after passing the Regional round. The students travelled [...]
PE Colours and Athletics Merits
PE colours y reconocimientos en Atletismo Olivos Primary - EP2 This past Tuesday, EP2 students had a PE Assembly, where they received PE colours and merit awards for their performance during the Athletics season. Beyond the recognitions, we would like to highlight the effort of all the students. We congratulate EP2 for their hard work [...]
Talk led by Maritchu Seitun
Charla a cargo de Maritchu Seitun Nordelta Primary On Wednesday, October 25th, Nordelta's Primary School welcomed Child Psychologist Maritchu Seitún for an insightful discussion with parents. The topic of the talk was "Guiding Our Children's Growth," emphasising the vital role of setting loving yet firm boundaries. During the session, Primary School parents had the opportunity [...]
Football Interhouse
Interhouse Football Olivos & Nordelta - Y4, 5 & 6 It was an excellent day filled with sunshine and spirited competition. Our main goal was to come together to enjoy sports with our friends and teachers. While at times the outcomes may have been challenging, we managed to focus on the positive aspects of the [...]
ADE Football Inter & Senior Boys
ADE Football Olivos & Nordelta - Y4, 5 & 6 Intermediate Boys We arrived in Quilmes with great desire and the illusion of having a great tournament. The first match was against our peers from San Jorge Norte where we lost 2-1. Then we got a 1-1 tie against San Andres and ended up playing [...]
Arts Festival
Feria de las Artes Nordelta Kinder Through a collaborative inquiry-based project centred on exploring the flora and fauna of our new courtyard, our little kindergarteners captured all their experiences and learning in an artistic festival that included a musical, an art exhibition, and a literary presentation A traves de un trabajo colaborativo de indagación basado [...]