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Musical Mornings

We start the day with music and welcome the Secondary students with a lively beat. Thank you, girls, families, Angela, Maru and Gillian. What a lovely way to start the day! Amanecemos con Música y recibimos a todo ritmo a los estudiantes de Secundaria. Gracias chicas, familias, Angela, Maru y Gillian. ¡Qué linda manera de [...]

Paso a la Inmortalidad del José de San Martín

During the month of May, the Y5 students went on an educational trip where they visited various significant places related to the history of General José de San Martín. Now, it was time to put everything they had learned into action. This year, Year 5 was responsible for the assembly commemorating the Immortality of General [...]

Rainbow Connection – Olivos EP2 Concert

A magical connection! This year's EP2 Musical “Rainbow Connection” was the culmination of a beautiful process in which Y4, Y5 & Y6 students developed an amazing set of performing skills. On Wednesday and Thursday, our Brightman Hall theatre became a whole new universe in which Dorothy, Tinman, Lion and the Scarecrow had to find the [...]

Children’s Day – Kinder Olivos & Nordelta

Nordelta Kinder We celebrated Children's Day with a joyful event! We enjoyed the pool, games, and activities that entertained and helped develop confidence, motor skills, and friendships. An unforgettable day with friends!  ¡Celebramos el Día del Niño con un gran festejo lleno de alegría! Disfrutamos de la pileta, juegos y actividades que no solo nos divertieron, sino [...]

Assembly in honour of Jose De San Martin

Last Monday, Y3 students led a special Assembly to celebrate the life, endeavours and legacy, of Argentina´s historical father, José de San Martín. They prepared a timeline and a video retelling the highlights of his career and leadership towards the Independence of many American countries. Y6 students sang the Marcha de San Lorenzo and finally, [...]

EdTech Training – EP1

Last week, and in the context of our continuing professional development program, EP1 homeroom teachers had a EdTech teacher training session in charge of our EdTech Leader Jennifer Verschoor and Florencia Senese, Digital Facilitator. This time, teachers had the opportunity to explore AI tools in order to think of ways to implement them during their [...]

Biology Week

Last week, Y11 Biology students were part of the Biology Week at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences (UBA). It was an enriching experience! Y11 students had the opportunity to attend talks by biologists specialising in diverse fields, from genetics and evolution to forensics and lichen studies. The event also included a hands-on lab [...]

OMA Mar del Plata Results

We are proud to announce that Olivia Meyer, Nordelta Primary Y6, was placed first runner-up in the Provincial stage of the Ñandú Mathematics Olympiad and Martin Casará from Y6 Olivos was awarded a Special Mention. We are so proud of you and all the students who participated and we wish you all the best in [...]