Latest renovations at Northlands
We'd like to share the latest renovations incorporated to the school over the past summer. NORTHLANDS is looking better than ever. Nos gustaría compartir las últimas renovaciones incorporadas al Colegio durante el último verano. NORTHLANDS se ve mejor que nunca.
Second Secondary Training
Second Saturday with a great attendance! We are happy and proud of the positive and committed attitude of these young people. On this journey, the difference we make will be enormous! The 2023 and 2025 tours shared time, anecdotes, and lots of advice! Segundo sábado de gran presentísmo! Estamos felices y orgullosos de la actitud [...]
First Primary Training
Great turnout! All the fields packed, families accompanying, and the boys and girls super excited! We are very happy and proud of this wonderful gathering. Let's keep it up! ¡Excelente convocatoria! Todas las canchas llenas, las familias acompañando y los chicos y chicas súper entusiasmados! Estamos muy contentos y orgullosos por este maravilloso encuentro. ¡¡A [...]
Cells Ahoy!
Embarking on their journey into the intricacies of biological systems and organisation, our eager Year 5 students recently ventured into the laboratory. Here, they engaged in hands-on activities to refine their microscope skills and delve into the world of microscopic organisms and cell tissues. The experience proved to be not only educational but also immensely [...]
PE Classes on a Rainy Day
The rain didn't stop us! Because of the weather, PE classes had to be held inside our Primary building, and our teachers decided it was the perfect opportunity to introduce yoga to our Y3 students. The classrooms were serene spaces with calming music, creating a peaceful atmosphere. Y3 students embraced the new activity with enthusiasm, [...]
OMA Presentation Y5 & Y6 Olivos
This Wednesday, Y5 & Y6 had the OMA 2024 presentation at our Primary Library. Even though Y6 students had their first experience during 2023, this gathering was a perfect opportunity to renew their illusion and remind them on how this competition will be held during the year. As for our Y5 students, this will be [...]
Rainy Days at Nordelta Primary
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade Embracing the rain this week, we've crafted a vibrant array of options to brighten up recess. Students are invited to choose from an exciting lineup of activities, including belting out tunes in karaoke, moving to the beats of Just Dance, participating in one of our two Microcinemas, or [...]
Students in BIO HL Y12 decorated the lab 2 windows with what they have learnt about DNA and molecular biology in order to use their art in helping them explain their peers in SL. The visual aid is not only a powerful tool to understand complicated and detailed processes happening at a molecular level in [...]