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Y3 Nordelta Camping

The group thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being in contact with nature. During this outdoor adventure, they not only enjoyed the natural surroundings, but also gained knowledge about the environment. We encouraged an active and healthy lifestyle, where they pitched tents, participated in outdoor games during the day, without worrying about mosquitoes, and were full [...]

Swimming Tournament

On Friday 19th April, the school swimming team took part in the first school tournament organised by the Northern Swimming League, which was attended by various institutions such as Colegio Huerto de los Olivos, San Andrés, Lincoln, San Ignacio, as well as our school Northlands. Participation in these events is not only a competition, but [...]

2024 Solidarity Kermesse & Intercultural Event

Our 2024 Solidarity Kermesse was, once again, a magnificent event. We are so proud of this year’s celebration and how, together through Friendship & Service, we raised funds for our service projects while strenghthening bonds among our wonderful community. Thank you all for BEING NORTHLANDS! See you next year! Nuestra Kermesse Solidaria 2024 fue, una vez más, un [...]

Kinder Multiage Spaces

The multi-age spaces are back! We have once again launched this project, so long awaited and enjoyed by our children, through which we encourage agency (voice, choice & ownership) and autonomy from early childhood. Through free movement through the different spaces, they develop different skills, working cooperatively with children of different ages and similar interests.  [...]

22 April – Earth Day

To celebrate Earth Day, each classroom chose a sustainability project to implement throughout the year, related to the reuse and separation of waste for recycling: love bottles, composting, reuse of markers, implementation of a recyclable waste bin in the classroom and the role of "ecohelper". In addition, in the assembly we had a small celebration, [...]

Argentine Debating Association

1st round of debates: National Championship. We are thrilled to announce that Northlands School has successfully hosted the first round of debates in the National Debating Competition, organised by the Argentine Debating Association. This event marked an important milestone for our debating students. We were privileged to have 12 schools participating in this competition. The [...]

21 March – World Down Syndrome Day

On March 21st, World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated with the aim of raising social awareness about people with this condition. With a message of embracing diversity, fostering respect, and equal acceptance for all, on that day we invite our community to wear mismatched socks. This is symbolic as the two different  socks together represent [...]

Nordelta Y4 Friendship Day

On Thursday, April 4th, Year 4 students had their Friendship Day.  Friendship Days are special days when we get together as a cohorte and children have the opportunity to meet others as well as enjoying team work. This allows students to get to know each other more deeply and strengthen friendship bonds. Our Friendship Day [...]