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The Arte y Esperanza Association visited Y3 Nordelta

Last week, within the framework of the UOI “Tales”, the Arte y Esperanza Association visited our Year 3 class. We were honored to hear from Sergio Marihuan, a member of the Mapuche community, who spoke to us about Indigenous peoples in our country. Following this, Mercedes Marsal shared some Wichí stories with us, bringing insights [...]

ADE Senior

VOLLEY GIRLS We had a great tournament, thoroughly enjoyed it and it was evident that there was a significant commitment. We realised that we improved a lot throughout the year. Vicky P. Volley boys We played the first three games progressively better, against SMSI, Sworn and St. Margaret. We won all three games 2-0, being [...]

Hockey Match

Y4 We experienced a tightly contested qualification phase as our zone had very evenly matched teams. Every match was played with everything left on the field, putting into practice everything trained in the classes. We played against St. Catherine's, St. Xavier, and Michael Ham, drawing two matches and losing one. These results weren't enough to [...]

World Environment Day

On every June 5th, we celebrate World Environment Day to reflect on the importance of protecting our planet. In our kindergartens, children engage in various activities they initiate themselves. For instance, they compost fruit and tea leftovers, repurpose markers to make inks, fill the 'bottle of love' with single-use plastics (such as cookie wrappers), paint [...]

Parley Argentine Talk

Parley ARG Talk On Thursday, May 30th, with Y5 Olivos and Nordelta, we had the visit of Vicky Rosker, representative of Parley Argentina. Parley for the Oceans is a global environmental organisation and network that brings together creators, thinkers and leaders to raise awareness about the beauty and fragility of the oceans and collaborate on [...]

AI Rivadavia

Since 2023, Northlands has been innovating with RVD.AI Rivadvia www.rvd.ai in implementing various pilots on artificial intelligence. Students are required to read a text, complete a multiple-choice assessment, engage in a debate, converse with a character and summarise what they've learned orally, to then be evaluated by artificial intelligence. We appreciate all the teachers participating [...]

25 May Celebration

Nordelta Kinder To remember and celebrate patriotic dates are very important moments in the school trajectory of our students since they are their first approaches to the history of our country and promote the development of a sense of belonging and values such as respect. On this occasion, the K5 students chose to work together [...]

Y1 Nordelta visited the National Railway Museum

Last Monday, within the framework of their UOI, A Trip Back in Time, Year 1 visited the National Railway Museum near Retiro in Buenos Aires. It was a wonderful opportunity to explore means of transport in the past and to board a carriage to experience how people travelled when the first trains came to Argentina. [...]