Y4 Olivos Camping
Final number of participants: 72 Total students listed: 76 Attendance percentage: 98.61% (one student absent) Objectives achieved: Fostering teamwork and collaboration Developing hygiene and personal care habits Caring for and respecting the natural environment Enhancing problem-solving, decision-making, communication, and adaptability Identifying personal strengths, weaknesses, and emotions Improving independence and autonomy Cantidad de participantes final: 72 [...]
Bike Day at Nordelta & Olivos Kinder
Promoting physical activity with a fresh perspective: hop on your bike and get moving! Promoviendo la actividad física con una nueva perspectiva: ¡subite a tu bicicleta y ponete en movimiento!
Y6 Nordelta PYP Ceremony
Congratulations Y6 graduates! Last Wednesday, the Y6 Nordelta class celebrated the culmination of their Primary Years Programme with an endearing ceremony along with parents and school staff. Ms Leonardi, Head of Primary, addressed the audience with moving words and a wonderful allegory of transformative changes in nature and in the students' lives. Later on, the [...]
Y3 Assembly
The Sun, the Moon and the Earth, explained Last week, the Nordelta Y3 students celebrated learning with an amazing Assembly based on their Unit of Inquiry Cycles following the central idea that “The cycles in nature influence planet Earth”. Following an introduction where the students explained the different movements of our planet and their consequences [...]
Nordelta Primary General Knowledge
Buzzing Trivia! Last Tuesday, Nordelta EP2 had a great closing activity to celebrate learning while having fun. The students participated in a General Knowledge Competition divided by Houses and Year groups and organised by our two wonderful librarians. The audience was also involved by taking part in the Audience Rounds and answering questions about School [...]
Y6 English Bridging
One more step towards Secondary School Last week, the Y6 Nordelta students took one more step towards starting Secondary school. Along with their English teachers, they participated in a poetry session in the Library hosted by the Y7 Language Teacher, Ms. Poggi. Students were invited to read aloud and discuss a poem based on the [...]
Y5 Straw Roller Coaster
Building fun in Nordelta! Building a roller coaster for ping pong balls using straws is a fascinating activity that combines creativity, engineering, and fun. This experience not only allows students to explore physics concepts like gravity, potential energy, kinetic energy, and friction, but also strengthens essential skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and structural design. The [...]