Learning & Teaching for Conceptual Understanding – virtual PYP workshop
On Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 June a group of Primary teachers participated in an official IB workshop conducted by IB trainer Yonca Oktay. As part of our professional development they explored how designing and teaching for conceptual understanding connects meaningfully to the learner and the learning community. Developing conceptual understanding enables learners to access [...]
K5 Olivos visited “Tren de la Costa”
In the context of the inquiry unit "Chancho va!", the K5 children investigated different ways of traveling to accompany Chancho (a character who sent them a request for help) on his journey through Argentina. They visited the Maipú station of the Tren de la Costa and took a train ride to Anchorena station. In addition [...]
Moira Pearson’s Retirement
It is not a goodbye, but a see you later! Last Thursday, we had the honour to welcome Moira Pearson, PE Coordinador, to our daily dismissal in order to give her a proper farewell. As you all know, Moira retired last week, and closed a lifetime of work and dedication at Northlands. As she told [...]
Y2 Olivos visited “Museo del Automóvil”
Remember our Y2 Northlands Tour? A few weeks ago, Y2 had a special day in which they learned about the importance of respecting traffic rules and signals for our safety and that of others. Last week, it was time to visit the Automobile Museum. During the visit, students were able to watch different models and [...]
Pledge to the Flag Y4 Olivos & Nordelta
Last Wednesday, Year 4 students pledged allegiance to the Argentine flag in a beautiful ceremony that included a piece of readers´ theatre based on the book El árbol de los ruidos y las nueces de Silvia Schujer. This story recalls Manuel Belgrano´s leadership towards our country´s independence and was proudly performed by all of Year [...]
On Friday afternoon, June 28, we were visited by the kindergarten children of the Virgen del Carmen School. We shared an afternoon of games in the Multi-Age Spaces, a snack and some stories. We are happy and excited for this first meeting, the starting point for a series of proposals that we will carry out [...]
Closing of the Secondary Sports Season
Learning to close cycles opens new paths; saying goodbye to a stage helps us capitalise on lessons learned, solidify what we take away and enhance everything that lies ahead. We thank all our Y12 teams for the journey thus far. They are not the same as when they started secondary school; a process of biological [...]
ADE Inter Hockey & Volley
ADE Inter Hockey & Volley At the traditional ADE Intermediate category event, Northlands fielded teams in all disciplines, aiming for the best results and achieving satisfaction with our students' performances. Congratulations to teachers and students for their dedication and effort. Final standings: Hockey - 10th place Women's Volleyball - 3rd place Men's Volleyball - 5th [...]