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Y6 Mug Cakes

Olivos Primary As part of Unit of Inquiry 5, Transformations and Changes, whose central idea is "Social, natural, and exact sciences use various methodologies to understand the changes in the world," Y6 students conducted a gastronomic experiment to add a bit of sweetness to our year-end closure. In the Primary tent, they got to work [...]

Rancho de Popy

Olivos Primary - Y5 We put coexistence to the test: patience, tolerance, listening, empathy, companionship... values that we practiced and developed with this group of almost 70 colleagues who experienced this journey together. Adventure activities allowed us to mobilise other aspects, face fears, build self-confidence, practice self-control, and overcome challenges. Being away from family and [...]

Y6 Student Led Conference

Nordelta Primary We have successfully concluded our Student-Led Conferences!  This Monday, on the 11th of December, we warmly welcomed the families of our Year 6 students, who eagerly and proudly showcased their portfolios. Through this comprehensive assessment tool, students effectively communicated their achievements and future goals, drawing upon a thoughtfully curated selection of learning evidence [...]

Y5 Design Thinking and Maker: The Astronaut

Nordelta Primary In the context of Design Thinking and Maker, Y5 ND students were tasked with creating an object to facilitate an astronaut in carrying personal belongings. They embarked on a journey where they conceptualised, crafted and presented their innovative solutions. Beginning with the design phase, they envisioned the perfect item for an astronaut's needs. [...]

Y6 Friendship Day

Nordelta Primary On Thursday, December 7th, we celebrated the Y6 Friendship Day at school. This particular Friendship Day held a special significance as it aimed not only to further strengthen the bonds among our students but also to bid a warm farewell to our beloved Year 6 students. The event unfolded through various stages, beginning [...]

My Avatar

Nordelta Primary - Y4 In the Design & Technology class, Y4 ND students embarked on a creative journey to design their unique avatars. This project unfolded through multiple stages. Initially, they conceptualised their avatars on paper, bringing their ideas to life visually. Following this, they translated their designs into tangible forms using reusable materials, adding [...]

K5 Graduation Ceremony

Olivos Kinder Beautiful and exciting ceremony today for the kindergarten 5 children, accompanied by their families, teachers, and many people who have been by their side throughout this important journey through kindergarten. We are very proud of all of you, and we know that Primary School awaits you with new challenges, learning experiences, and dreams [...]

Y3 – Lab “Natural Pigments”

Olivos Primary As part of the UOI 5 “Peoples Organisation”, Y3 students visited the laboratory to have one of the last science experiences of the year. In this opportunity, they extracted natural pigments to represent nature, simulating techniques used by indigenous peoples. With this activity, they reinforced the inquiry line that explores the connection between [...]