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Secondary ADE Cross – Y8 to Y12

A chilly autumn afternoon found us gathered to showcase the great Cross Country team that these students from Y8 to Y12 have built. With enthusiasm, commitment, and plenty of grit, they gave their all for the team and the jersey. In the overall summary, Northlands finished 1st in males and 2nd in females. Impeccable behavior [...]

OMA-Ñandú Interschool Round

On Friday, May 10, a large group of Y5, Y6 and Y7 students participated in the inter-school round of the OMA - Ñandú Mathematical Olympiad. Some of them attended Tarbut School, while others attended Martín y Omar School. In all cases, they took their exam together with children from other schools. We congratulate our students [...]

ADE Tournament Y4 & Y5

Y4 Girls An excellent day! We formed 2 teams and played 3 matches each against Moorlands, Barker, and Bede’s, showing a very good level of play and increased group concentration in decisive moments. It was also noticeable that both teams were very united both on and off the field and had a lot of fun. [...]

ESSARP Creative Writing

"Writing is like magic. It turns words into worlds."  On May 14th, Luisa Cicciari and Sophie Castro Keable participated in an Essay Writing Competition organised by Essarp. They were chosen to represent Northlands in this competition because of their hard work, talent and commitment to their work. We wish them both the very best of [...]

Yoga Activity for Kinder

A new Yoguitos session surprises us with a great turnout and a lot of solidarity. Once again, Cande and Angie, members of ONC, lead us, with their beautiful proposal, on a magical journey with Yoga as a means to transport us to that wonderful world of poses, through a beautiful story. The kids enjoyed the [...]

Second Leaders Meeting

We began by creating a video in groups, where they had to showcase their strengths as leaders and address how to work as a team to improve in weak areas. Then, we conducted a presentation and showed videos about young world leaders, where students shared their ideals and daily convictions. We concluded with an activity [...]

Secondary Sports Tours Trainings

Rugby: On this occasion, we conducted training sessions in preparation for the Y7 tours to Paraná and the UK in 2025. We continue to accumulate experiences, knowledge, and reinforce what we have been working on class by class. In conclusion, we discussed the importance of these training sessions in continuing to build camaraderie beyond just [...]

Secondary Interhouse

On Friday, May 10th, we enjoyed a beautiful sunny day filled with camaraderie. We began the day by acknowledging that it was the last Y12 interhouse and reflected on whether they remembered the results of the first interhouse when they started high school. No one could recall the results, which made us realise that what [...]