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Argentine Debate – Round 2

On Monday 20 May, Northlands debating team participated in the second round of the National Debating Competition at St. Nicholás School. During the competition both the Junior and the Senior teams performed outstandingly and won the debates.   We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the speakers Constanza Bujía, Tessa Allende, Caro Viñales Ana Jacobs, Francisco Luján [...]

Lunch Gatherings Y2 Nordelta

With the objective of promoting the development of social and communication skills, while providing a space for our Year 2 students to strengthen their bonds, during the month of May we organised lunch gatherings during the midday break. The students brought something to share, thus creating an atmosphere of warmth and generosity. Alongside Erika Troisi, [...]

Camerata Bariloche at Northlands

We are thrilled to announce that the Camerata Bariloche will be holding a concert at Northlands on Tuesday 4 June at the Brightman Hall. Proceeds from this event will be allocated to the Northlands Scholarship fund. You can access tickets at the following link.  Access here for tickets We hope to see you there to enjoy [...]

Y4 Olivos visited “Concejo Deliberante de Vicente Lopez”

As part of UOI 1: "Our Identity," Y4 students investigated their own identity and the identity of our country. Throughout this unit, they learned about the different levels of authority: national, provincial and municipal. As a conclusion to this UOI, Y4 students visited the Vicente Lopez City Council to become council members. They presented, debated [...]

Music Attack at Kinder Olivos & Nordelta

During the week of 20th May both kindergartens were visited by a group of Y7 and Y8 students, who played some fragments of songs on violin and cello, accompanied by Juan Estanga (leader of the Music department) and Andrea Rosenfeld (violin teacher). As well as enjoying the music, the younger children asked the older children [...]

Literacy Week

Drop everything and read! Last week was a blast as we celebrated Literacy Week at school ! The week kicked off with the engaging  activity “Reading to a friend”, where we enjoyed great stories read by children from other years. Enebro Bookstore set up a lovely fair enriched with a great variety of books in [...]

K4 & Y12 Workshop

The K4 students who participated in the afternoon workshops had the opportunity to enjoy a mini science workshop prepared by Y12 students. This activity turned out to be an enriching and educational experience for all participants. The high school students researched, selected, and prepared a playful and educational proposal adapted to the age of the [...]

To be or not to be (alive)

Continuing their UOI inquiry, our Y5 students visited the lab to answer a seemingly simple question: Is yeast a living being? Working collaboratively, they formulated hypotheses and carried out an experiment to test them. What do you think they found? Continuando con su indagación, nuestros alumnos de Y5 visitaron el laboratorio para tratar de responder [...]