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“New & Old Northlanders” working together!

Paula Leporati (ON 1981), leader of YoRio San Isidro and San Fernando, shared an activity this week with a group of kindergarten children from Olivos, who conducted research on the issue of waste accumulation, particularly plastics in the oceans. Paula told them about the river clean-ups and they showed her the artwork they had created [...]

Primary School Choir Performance for Kindergarten

On the last day of Arts Week, the Primary School Choir delivered an inspiring performance that delighted the kindergarten children. With a selection of energetic songs, the primary students managed to capture the attention of the little ones, who not only enjoyed the music but also joined in with applause and smiles. The performance was [...]

Kindergarten Art Week Feat. Y11: Collaborative intervention between high school students, kindergarten children and their families

Within the framework of the kindergarten art fair, the installation resulting from the project carried out by the secondary students for the CAS area (IB program objective) was presented. This process consisted of three days in which families were invited to share an artistic space with their children with the purpose of transmitting an overcoming [...]

Y1 visited “El Exploratorio”

Last Friday, within the framework of their UOI Magic vs. Science, Year 1 visited the Exploratorio in San Isidro, an interactive scientific center that aims to bring notions of science and technology to children in a simple and fun way. Electricity, magnetism, optics, waves, simple machines, aerodynamics, surface tension, atmospheric pressure, robotics, technology, latest inventions [...]

Y4 My Avatar

Creating your own Avatar During this last month, Y4 students combined design, technology and creativity to produce an avatar. In the first place, they drew the model figure on paper. Then, they transferred their prototype to Tinkercad, an app for 3D design and coding. Once it was ready, they built a real-life version of the [...]

Y2 Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity

What is diversity? It is very enriching to ask students this question and try to find the answer with them. Identity, differences, respect, ideas, tastes, cultures… a lot of things come to their minds. This Tuesday, Y2 students presented their Commemoration to Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity. On this occasion, our students inquired about [...]

2024 Matific Olympics, a chance for everyone

Throughout this week, Nordelta Primary students will take part in the 2024 Matific Olympics by completing assignments according to their individualized levels and collecting stars as they pass the challenges. The total scores are built collaboratively by all the children and tracked by teachers to promote participation and commitment. It is a wonderful opportunity to [...]

Formative Football

The story of a formative football culture began at Northlands, where values and teamwork are the true protagonists. Here, fouls are not debated, and referees are not deceived; fair play is a constant, and leaders are those who understand that results come on their own when everything is given on the field, with dedication and [...]