Y5 – A conversation with Laura Ávila
In the framework of UOI 3 “A changing world”, Y5 students read “Los músicos del Ocho, a book about San Martín and the cross of Los Andes. In this opportunity, we welcomed the author of this novel, Laura Ávila, who kindly came to talk to our students and answer questions that they had prepared previously, [...]
Y1 shared an activity with K5
Last week, Y1 students welcomed K5 to their classes to share a wonderful story: “Listo para cualquier cosa” de Keiko Kasza. It was the culmination of a writing process sequence that started by reading the story, understanding its different elements and finally producing a re-writing on their own. Y1 students read their piece of writing [...]
National Stage of the Maths Olympics
We are proud to share with you the successful participation of our students in the National Stage of the Ñandú Maths Olympics: Olivia Meyer, Tomas Gamerro, Nicole Kaminsky & Lev Dudin. They attended the competition at La Falda, Córdoba, along with one of the school´s Maths teachers. Students had the support of their families and [...]
Journey Around the World
During this project, the children participated in an exciting 'journey around the world' where they explored diverse cultures and traditions through creative and playful activities. This experience allowed them to develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be global citizens, promoting attitudes of respect, empathy and openness toward others. Through exploring different countries, [...]
3rd Service Day
A BIG, HUGE THANK YOU to all those who collaborated with our 3rd Service Day by donating blood or personal care products, baking or bringing cakes for the bake sale and also buying from the bake sale. We are really proud of our community and its sense of “Friendship & Service”. Not only did we [...]
Little Sports
On a splendid day, full of sunshine, crowds, and festivities, we centered our gathering on the most important aspect of training great athletes: values. To aim for victory, we must first learn to work as a team, and no one should feel like a loser by comparing results. In each game, we focused on thinking, [...]
A night at the Opera!
How much does the Colón Theatre cost? Who owns it? These were some questions asked by Y5 students as they gazed at the imposing structure of our iconic theatre. Last Thursday, we had the opportunity to tour the theatre and it was an experience to be remembered. During the visit, we were told that in [...]
Y2B Assembly – Out of a Fairy Tale
Last Wednesday, Y2B students had a magical Assembly based on their UOI “Traditional Tales”. Within the framework of the transdisciplinary theme How we express ourselves, students dressed up as fairy tale characters, explained the main features of traditional children´s stories and retold some of them. The morning's highlight was “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”: students [...]