Football Interhouse EP2
We had a spectacular Interhouse event with an average of 10 students per house and per year, approximately 240 students filling the fields with color and joy. From the start, we immersed ourselves in the spirit of the day with a clear goal: to play the best football while showcasing three key values that stood out during the award ceremony:
- Fair Play
- Teamwork
- Locomotive
Throughout the morning, we played, ran, scored goals, celebrated, and focused on how to play. We gave our all, covering the entire field and making passes that reflected the essence of teamwork and, above all, sportsmanship.
And so we reached the end of the day, with our hearts full of good deeds and our legs burning from so much running.
Final Results:
1st place: Keller
2nd place: Fry
3rd place: N’gale
4th place: Cavell
Individual Diplomas by Year:
Year 4
Teamwork: Ramona Mai Palma
Locomotive: Martina Heller
Fair Play: Rosario Biamino
Teamwork: Simon Paradela
Locomotive: Santiago González Luna
Fair Play: Benjamin Gorostiaga
Year 5
Teamwork: Amanda Lehman
Locomotive: Lola Osterc
Fair Play: Ariana Kahn
Teamwork: Tomas Schilman
Locomotive: Luis Arturo Barbosa
Fair Play: Clemente Willat
Year 6
Teamwork: Joaquina Martínez Fourcade
Locomotive: Emilia Bulgheroni
Fair Play: Ema Cárcano
Teamwork: Santiago Ron
Locomotive: Benicio Pariente
Fair Play: Feliciano Lubel
Diplomas by House:
1st place Keller: Fair Play
2nd place Fry: Fair Play
3rd place N’gale: Locomotive
4th place Cavell: Teamwork
We thank you for continuing to support your children in their sports development.
Tuvimos un espectacular Interhouse con un promedio de 10 alumnos/as por house y por Year, 240 alumnos aproximadamente llenando las canchas de color y alegría. Desde el inicio, nos sumergimos en el espíritu de la jornada con un objetivo claro: jugar el mejor fútbol mientras mostramos tres valores clave que se destacaron en la entrega de premios:
– Fair Play
– Trabajo en equipo
– Locomotora
Durante toda la mañana, jugamos, corrimos, marcamos goles, celebramos, y pusimos el foco en la forma de jugar. Nos entregamos al máximo, cubriendo toda la cancha y dando pases que reflejaban el alma del trabajo en equipo y, ante todo, la honestidad deportiva.
Así llegamos al final del día, con el corazón lleno de buenas acciones y las piernas ardiendo de tanto correr.
Resultados finales:
1er puesto Keller
2do puesto Fry
3er puesto N´gale
4to puesto Cavell
Diplomas individuales por Año:
Año 4
Teamwork: Ramona Mai Palma
Locomotora: Martina Heller
Fair Play: Rosario Biamino
Teamwork: Paradela, Simon
Locomotora: Santiago González Luna
Fair Play: Gorostiaga Benjamin
Año 5
Teamwork: Lehman Amanda
Locomotora: Lola Osterc
Fair Play: Ariana Kahn
Teamwork: Tomas Schilman
Locomotora: Luis Arturo Barbosa
Fair Play: Willat Clemente
Año 6
Teamwork: Joaquina Martínez Fourcade
Locomotora: Emilia Bulgheroni
Fair Play: Ema Cárcano
Teamwork: Santiago Ron
Locomotora: Benicio Pariente
Fair Play: Feliciano Lubel
Diplomas por House
1er puesto Keller: Fair Play
2do puesto Fry: Fair Play
3er puesto N´gale: Locomotive
4to puesto Cavell Teamwork
Les agradecemos que nos sigan acompañando a sus hijos en la formación deportiva.