Football Interhouse
Interhouse Football
Olivos & Nordelta – Y4, 5 & 6
It was an excellent day filled with sunshine and spirited competition. Our main goal was to come together to enjoy sports with our friends and teachers. While at times the outcomes may have been challenging, we managed to focus on the positive aspects of the event, using it as an opportunity to grow, foster teamwork, and connect with nature. We appreciate your presence and your enthusiastic participation!
The competition was intense, and the results were closely contested, with no significant gaps. Each participant’s dedication made a significant contribution to our collective success. The green cards, which recognize and celebrate good sportsmanship and acts of solidarity, accompanied the results, reinforcing the idea that success is closely linked to adhering to our principles of fair play. Congratulations to everyone for making it a beautiful sports day!
Excelente día de sol y competencia. Vinimos con el objetivo de compartir y disfrutar tiempo de deporte con amigos y profesores. A pesar que a veces los resultados nos amargan supimos ver el lado positivo del encuentro, superarnos, trabajar en equipo y estar en contacto con la naturaleza. Gracias por venir y participar con alegría y esfuerzo!
Los resultados fueron muy ajustados, no hubo grandes diferencias así que el esfuerzo de cada uno hizo un gran aporte para el house. Las tarjetas verdes que felicitan y celebran las buenas acciones deportivas y solidarias acompañaron los resultados, a modo de conectar que el triunfo viene de la mano de acciones coherentes con el lema del colegio y el fair play. ¡Felicitaciones a todos, una hermosa jornada deportiva!