We combine social responsibility with the learning of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values. We encourage students to be actively involved with those who offer a service.
Friendship and Service were two qualities highly valued by the founders, so much so that, in 1935 they chose them as motto and inspiration of the School spirit. Service learning is the result of turning a service action into a learning experience.
We aim to educate children and adolescents with a sense of social responsibility that:
- Develops their initiative and personal autonomy focusing on the needs of others, through the application of their curricular competencies.
- Promotes values and attitudes that motivate effort, responsibility and commitment to service.
- Through meaningful learning experiences, improve their drive and academic results, promoting their personal and social development.
NORTHLANDS students have the opportunity to participate in many voluntary activities related to service that involve long term commitment.
The Chaco and Rosario del Tala Projects
Involves an annual trip to different rural schools where students develop a relationship of mutual exchange with local people. These projects comprise a thought out preparation during the whole year for the trip and a determined involvement in activities such as: the annual Clothes Fair and the Charitable Kermesse.
During their last two years of Secondary School, students choose an institution from the School´s neighbourhood where they go once a week to do specific social work. Also, our pupils elaborate a Personal CAS Project that can be linked to any field or topics they are interested in.
Service Weeks
The NORTHLANDS calendar has three Service Weeks per year which are crucial for the cultivation of a Service culture in our students. One of the main objectives of these activities is to embrace and promote the Friendship & Service spirit cross sectionally in all areas of the School. The action looks to integrate all of the sections in the pursuit of one same goal. The community has raised funds for the Fundación Maria Cecilia de Ayuda al Niño Oncológico, for the Hospital Lago Puelo and for rural schools in Chaco and Rosario del Tala and many others over the years.
Captains & Prefects
Have an active role in the organisation and call to action of all the community during Service Weeks and important dates like Pinktober, Earth Day, Tree Day and The Bake Sale among others.
As our Mission expresses, “graduates are individuals whose integrity and moral values lead them to choose freely what is right”. Many of the ON work actively in NGOs to serve others.