Commemoration of the Passing of General San Martín
Conmemoración al fallecimiento del General San Martín
Olivos Primary – Y6
On Tuesday 22, Y6 students were in charge of the Commemoration of the Passing of General San Martín. On this occasion, they shared with their families and all the Primary School everything they had learned about our national hero. They played instruments, sang, danced, marched, and led an interactive game, in which they presented different aspects of General San Martín’s life.
We were accompanied by two Granaderos from the Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, who later had a meeting with the kids in which they answered very interesting questions.
El pasado martes 22, los alumnos de Y6 estuvieron a cargo del Acto por la Conmemoración al fallecimiento del General San Martín. En este evento, los alumnos compartieron con sus familias y toda la Primaria todo lo que aprendieron sobre nuestro prócer. Tocaron instrumentos, cantaron, bailaron, marcharon y condujeron el juego de los 8 escalones en el que presentaron diferentes aspectos de la vida del General San Martín.
Nos acompañaron dos Granaderos del Regimiento de Granaderos a Caballo, que luego compartieron un encuentro con los chicos en el que respondieron preguntas muy interesantes.