What’s going on at NORTHLANDS?


Thank you message from Fundación María Cecilia

Agradecimientos Fundación María Cecilia Olivos Primary Fundación María Cecilia is grateful for our sustained support throughout the years. They would like to share with us their great achievement: there is a new haemato-oncological area at the hospital. We share a video with the history of this organisation and a special note with more information about [...]

Theatre IB Programme – Solo Pieces

Programa de Teatro IB - Piezas individuales Secondary Olivos - Y12 As part of the Theatre IB programme, Y12 HL students performed their Solo Pieces based on different theatre theorists.  A theorist is someone who has written about theatre or an aspect of theatre such as lighting or acting. Some of the chosen theorists were [...]

Student-Led Conference

Student-Led Conference Primary Olivos - Y3 On Monday, November 28th, Y3 students shared their digital portfolios of work and proudly discussed progress with their family members. In addition to that, they were all given a special recognition that highlighted their unique and special skills! El lunes 28 de noviembre, los alumnos de año 3 compartieron [...]

Energy End of the Year Project

Proyecto de energía de fin de año Nordelta Secondary - Y7 As part of their end of year project, Science Y7 Nordelta students had to investigate about ENERGY. To do this, they had to find out the different ways to save energy used at home. They investigated different ways of transferring energy into electricity. Their [...]

Challenges of Raising a Child Today

Desafíos de la crianza en la actualidad Primary Olivos We'd like to share Maritchu Seitun´s talk about the challenges of raising a child today Compartimos el video de la charla de Maritchu Seitun sobre los desafíos de la crianza en la actualidad.

Environmental Systems & Societies

Environmental systems & societies Nordelta Secondary - Y10 Last week, thirty ND Y10 students measured Simpson`s diversity index in a simulated ecosystem, with coloured wool strings and buttons as species. The aim was to determine Simpson`s index by using systematic sampling technique. The activity was part of the IB induction, which gives the students an [...]

An Example of Friendship & Service

Un ejemplo de Amistad y Servicio Nordelta Kinder - K3 Alexis, K3 Elephant kindly received his birthday present from his friends and kindly donated it to La Concepción school. We are very proud of him! Alexis, alumno de la sala de 3 Elephants, donó generosamente el regalo de cumpleaños que le hicieron sus amigos al [...]

Multiplication tables

Tablas de multiplicar Olivos Primary - Y3 Y3 students are learning multiplication tables and together with their music teacher, Marcela Hidalgo, are practising them in a very original and creative way. Let's listen and rap along! Los alumnos de Y3 están aprendiendo las tablas de multiplicar y junto a su docente de música , Marce [...]