PE Matches
Partidos Educación Física Nordelta & Olivos HOCKEY Tight game, poor result, we put everything but the definition beat us due to lack of goals. MHAM 0 NORTHLANDS 0 Partido ajustado, resultado mezquino, pusimos todo pero la definición nos ganó por falta de goles. MHAM 0 NORTHLANDS 0
World Poetry Day
Día Mundial de la Poesía Nordelta & Olivos Secondary Every year on March 21, "World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity's most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity." (UNESCO) This year, the English Department organised special classes devoted to poetry allowing students to enjoy a fun activity while learning from it. El 21 [...]
“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” Aristotle.
“El todo es mayor que la suma de sus partes,” Aristóteles. Nordelta Primary - Y5 Year 5 students worked on the Unit of Inquiry "Systems", with the aim of better understanding what a system is and how the interdependence of its parts works. To achieve this, various types of systems were approached in an integrated [...]
Big Brothers & Big Sisters
Big Brothers & Big Sisters Olivos Primary - Y6 & Y1 On Friday, March 31st, Y6 students together with Y1 made “Stress Balls” out of Balloons and cornstarch. Y6 helped the little ones personalising them with faces and hair out of wool. Overall, making stress balls out of balloons was a fun and effective way [...]
Música Olivos Primary - Y1 Y1 has been working and learning different songs that included physical movement both in English and Spanish. Some of these were traditional ones, songs that were passed on from generation to generation. These songs helped our students learn new vocabulary, foster memory skills and develop social skills. In addition to [...]
Y2 Friendship Day
Friendship Day Olivos Primary - Y2 On Friday, March 31st, Y2 students spent a day playing teamwork games. They were a great opportunity for our students to learn important skills like cooperation, communication, problem-solving, while also having fun and building relationships with their classmates. It was especially great to see that our students behaved well [...]
Sports Fest
Festival deportivo Olivos & Nordelta PRIMARY - 2023 RUGBY & HOCKEY FEST Saturday 1st April, a memorable date for both students and families. Joining in a perfect morning of sports, friendship and service. Finishing off with Founder’s Days week celebrations, we had the Northlands Hockey and Rugby Fest, where students organised teams to play an [...]
International University Fair
Feria Internacional de Universidades Nordelta Secondary In March we had the pleasure of hosting an International University Fair at our Nordelta site during lunchtime. It was an enriching experience for our secondary students. They got to meet thirteen university representatives from the USA and got to explore multiple opportunities to study abroad. The following universities [...]