What’s going on at NORTHLANDS?


Cycle of Talks 2021

Institutional - 2021 During 2021, our Learning Support Unit Coordinator Santiago Tiscornia hosted various experts in the fields of child psychology and pediatrics via Instagram Live. The speakers were composed of Lic. Maritchu Seitun, Psychologist; Lic. Matías Muñoz, Psychologist and Dr. Lucila Fernie, Pediatrician. We invite you to discover the talks below: Durante 2021, nuestro [...]

Wellbeing Talks for families led by LSU

Charla para familias Olivos & Nordelta - 2021 // Olivos y Nordelta - 2021 In 2021 different talks were held by Northlands for each class level family. Below, we share access to the videos. Durante el 2021 Northlands ofreció diversas charlas para las familias de cada nivel. A continuación, compartimos el acceso a los videos. [...]

Digital Parenting

Crianza Digital Olivos & Nordelta - October 2021 // Olivos y Nordelta - Octubre 2021 On October a Talks for Digital Parenting were held by Zoom for each class level families. The talks were held in Spanish by Sebastián Bortnik. Below, we share the video and a presentation. En octubre, se llevaron a cabo charlas sobre [...]

Talk about ESI

Charla sobre ESI Olivos & Nordelta - 5, 6 & 7 October 2021 // Olivos y Nordelta - 5, 6 y 7 de Octubre 2021 On October 5, 6 & 7 a Talks for ESI, So much more than just Sexuality, were held by Zoom for each class level families. The talks were held in [...]

An Inspiring Northlands Experience: Our Student From Belgium, Oliver

Olivos - 2020 In the words of his parents: "Oliver is 11 years old, he is Belgian-Argentine and lives in Belgium. We had an idea: an educational experience in Argentina for one semester, before his transition to high school. During his stay in Argentina, he would live with his extended family. The aim: expand his [...]

100 Years of Northlands

Institutional On this day, April 1st, 2020, 100 years ago, NORTHLANDS opened its doors for the very first time to teach around 30 pupils under the supervision and the vision of two women, Miss Brightman and Miss Slater. Today, our Community celebrated NORTHLANDS' Centenary with a special initiative. The whole community joined together in a Virtual Assembly to honour our [...]