Biology Students
Alumnos de Biología Nordelta Secondary - Y11 HL BIO students in Y11 (Victoria Pak, Valentina Firpo and Laura Leyria), are studying plant biology. They have learnt about the evolution and classification of plants in the school’s gardens. Now they are making scientific drawings of the plants they chose. The use of schematic diagrams have helped [...]
Relaunch of the Senior Secondary Choir
Relanzamiento del Coro de Secundaria Olivos & Nordelta We are very pleased to announce the relaunch of our legendary Senior Choir at both sites, Olivos and Nordelta. From the music department, we want to re-emphasize the great prestigious significance that the Senior Choir has had in previous years, keeping its essence but bringing a new [...]
La Abeja Haragana
La Abeja Haragana Olivos Primary - Y4 Within the framework of the Book Fair, Y4 students participated in an interdisciplinary project on Horacio Quiroga's story: “La abeja Haragana”. It was a collaborative work between Music, Drama and Library. In the Library, they delved into the story and prepared the narratives. In Drama they represented the [...]
Interhouse Drama Festival 2023 Olivos Olivos Secondary The Interhouse Drama Festival is led by House Captains, summoning Secondary House members to join. They display their creativity, commitment and leadership skills by organising every aspect of the performances. This year, each house presented an original play based on Tim Burton's style, so unique that the world [...]
PYP Presentation
Presentación PEP Olivos & Nordelta Kinder & Primary On Monday the 17th, we held an informative meeting about the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. Coordinators and school leaders shared the framework for the program implemented at Northlands, which extends from K3 to 6 grade, and highlighted experiences from different sections and both sites. If you [...]
Service Day
Service Day Olivos & Nordelta OP- SERVICE DAY “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” Mahatma Gandhi On Friday, April 14th, our Primary students spent a day doing service actions within the school. Y1 cleaned up their desks and classroom, Y2 reorganized art material. Y3 returned lost [...]
UOI Celebrations and commemorations
Pre-camping Olivos Primary - Y1 Within the framework of the UOI Celebrations and Commemorations, Y6 learned about various cultural traditions and their significance. Scipioni family shared their Easter Armenian tradition of painting eggs. Armenian Easter egg painting is a beautiful art form that involves using natural dyes and intricate designs to create stunning eggs. By [...]
Pre-camping Day
Pre-camping Olivos Primary - Y1 On Wednesday 12th, Y1 had an unforgettable day full of adventure and teamwork, as they engaged in camping activities outdoors. The students were divided into groups and had the opportunity to choose unique names for their teams. Throughout the day, they worked together to overcome various challenges that were set [...]