What’s going on at NORTHLANDS?


Essarp Art Festival

Essarp Art Festival Nordelta Primary As in past years, we received an invitation to participate in the ESSARP Art Festival at BDS, which took place on 8 May. The Art Festival is a creative challenge that enables students and teachers to interact and work collaboratively, whilst developing social and communication skills and sharing learning experiences. [...]

University Fair at Michael Ham

Feria de Universidades en Colegio Michael Ham Nordelta Secondary With great enthusiasm the Learning Support Units of Michael Ham College, St Luke’s School, Cardenal Pironio School and Northlands Nordelta organized a university fair.The latter took place at Michael Ham College. Our Y12 students had the possibility to attend four workshops of their choice. Course Directors [...]

International Day Against Bullying

Día Internacional contra el Bullying / Acoso Escolar Olivos Secondary Within the framework of the International Day Against Bullying, Secondary School worked on different initiatives to reflect upon the matter.   Y7 and Y8 carried out an activity to raise awareness about this topic. We worked on the importance of identifying different bullying situations and how [...]

Student Council Meeting

Reunión Council Meeting Olivos Primary On Wednesday 10th, we held our second Student Council Meeting. Each class Representative showed commitment and shared their classes’ suggestions, doubts and queries. It was a productive meeting as we discussed various important matters related to the wellbeing and interests of the students. Each class representative was given the opportunity [...]

Musical mornings!

Mañanas musicales Olivos Primary With the aim of promoting a love for the violin and sharing with others what they are learning, a few days a week, a group of children play the violin during their entrance to school. Accompanied by their teachers, Angela and Gillian, they play different songs and share their progress as [...]

2 May – International Day Against Bullying

2 de mayo - Día Internacional contra el Bullying / Acoso Escolar Nordelta Primary On May 2nd we celebrate International Day Against Bullying. On this occasion we had an Assembly to raise awareness about this topic and we listened to the song “Se buscan valientes” by Langui. Since that moment we launched the campaign with [...]

Friendship Day

Friendship Day Nordelta Primary - Y5 On Wednesday May 3, Year 5 students had their Friendship Day at our sports grounds in Tortuguitas. Friendship Days are an opportunity for our students to develop personal and social awareness. The idea is to carry out activities that aim at getting to know each other more deeply and [...]

2023 Student Council Meeting

Consejo de Estudiantes Nordelta Primary - Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6 Every year, in Primary, we carry out an election to choose the students that will represent the year groups at our Student Council. The Student Council is made up of one Representative of each class from Year 3 to Year 6 and they are [...]