Exposición Nordelta Primary - Y4 Our Y4 groups prepared an Exposition to show parents what they had learnt in UOI1. In small groups, they wrote the scripts, including all the information and interesting facts they learned about earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains. Next, all together they prepared the display material they needed and assembled the stands. [...]
Year 8 History Nordelta Board Games
History Y8 Nordelta. Juegos de mesa Nordelta Secondary We are thrilled to share with you the incredible achievements of our Year 8 History students from the Nordelta site, in their recent end-of-unit project centred around Ancient Rome. As part of their assignment, the students were invited to design their own board games to apply their [...]
AUDELA Workshop
Taller AUDELA Olivos Primary - Y4 Within our Personal and Social Education Programme, students in Year 4 participated in a workshop run by AUDELA on Thursday 1st. This is an organisation that works to increase awareness through special programmes in order to promote the social integration of people with special needs. With their workshops they [...]
Collaborative Reflection Time
Tiempo de reflexión colaborativa Nordelta Primary - Y6 Within the framework of our Personal and Social Education Programme (PSE), on Monday 29 May, we held a workshop for our Y6 students, led by Lic. María Zysman, founder of “Libres de Bullying” organisation. The objective of this gathering was to collaboratively think and reflect on the [...]
Masseube Olivos Primary - Y1 Year1 had the opportunity to receive a visit from Masseube, an entrepreneurship dedicated to producing organic sweets and natural fruits in a sustainable manner, without adding chemical products. At the same time, they learned about its production process. Being able to witness the process of making the jams was a [...]
Argentina Mathematical Olympiad
Olimpiada Matemática Argentina Nordelta Secondary During the month of May, several events of the Argentina Mathematical Olympiad were carried out in which Northlands students participated, among them, Olimpíada Ñandú, Olimpiada Matemática Argentina (OMA) and the Olimpiada del Cono Sur. We want to congratulate all the participants and especially Delfina Restelli for obtaining an honorable mention [...]
25 May Celebration
Celebración del 25 de mayo NORDELTA KINDER - K5 K5 children inquired on the historic events of May 25th week and into the customs of the people that lived in the colony. They chose which role they wished to perfom and prepared their own outfit and scenography. Taking part in this kind of projects helps [...]
Friendship Day Y7
Friendship Day Olivos Secondary - Y7 Last Tuesday we had our Friendship Day with Y7. A day full of activities that aim at strengthening bonds within the group. Even though the day was overcast, we took the advantage of the open fields to play in teams, share a breakfast and lunch "a la canasta" and encouraged [...]