What’s going on at NORTHLANDS?


Northlands’ staff got back together for an exciting 2023 kick-off

El Staff de Northlands se juntó nuevamente para un emocionante inicio de 2023 Northlands' staff got back together at our Olivos site for an exciting 2023 kick-off. It was great to see every one renewed after the holidays. Headmistress Lucila Minvielle took us through the 2023 School year objectives and Plan. We were also privileged [...]

The friendly path we share with La Concepcion

Compartimos un recorrido amistoso con La Concepción Nordelta Kindergarten La Concepcion School and Northlands Kinder Nordelta; 2 communities that grow and learn collaboratively. 9 years ago, we initiated a friendly learning path that allowed us to share pedagogical projects that have transformed year after year with visits, interchanges, encounters and very valuable experiences for the children of both [...]

Campaing to raise awareness

Campaña para generar conciencia Nordelta Primary Our students from Nordelta Primary led a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of protecting some animal species. Also reducing, reusing, and recycling, as well as promoting the use of bicycles rather than using cars. Congratulations to all those involved! Nuestros alumnos de Primaria Nordelta llevaron a cabo [...]

2022 General Knowledge Interhouse

2022 General Knowledge Interhouse Olivos & Nordelta Secondary On November 24, the Interhouse General Knowledge was held at both Sites. This House event was enjoyed by Captains, students and teachers, either as part of the teams or as an audience, and celebrated by all. Congratulations to all those who participated, and specially to the winning [...]

Design & Technology Final Project

Proyecto final Diseño y Tecnología Olivos Secondary - Y7 The theme of the year was Smart City. We learned what features and benefits a smart city has and everything the Y7 students learned had to do with that topic. Finally, we decided to integrate everything seen in the year, putting together a mockup. In this [...]

Thank you message from Fundación María Cecilia

Agradecimientos Fundación María Cecilia Olivos Primary Fundación María Cecilia is grateful for our sustained support throughout the years. They would like to share with us their great achievement: there is a new haemato-oncological area at the hospital. We share a video with the history of this organisation and a special note with more information about [...]

Theatre IB Programme – Solo Pieces

Programa de Teatro IB - Piezas individuales Secondary Olivos - Y12 As part of the Theatre IB programme, Y12 HL students performed their Solo Pieces based on different theatre theorists.  A theorist is someone who has written about theatre or an aspect of theatre such as lighting or acting. Some of the chosen theorists were [...]

Student-Led Conference

Student-Led Conference Primary Olivos - Y3 On Monday, November 28th, Y3 students shared their digital portfolios of work and proudly discussed progress with their family members. In addition to that, they were all given a special recognition that highlighted their unique and special skills! El lunes 28 de noviembre, los alumnos de año 3 compartieron [...]