¿Qué esta pasando en NORTHLANDS?


Welcome back to NORTHLANDS!

¡Bienvenidos nuevamente a NORTHLANDS! School Year Opening Ceremony Welcome back! Last week we officially started our 2023 school year. To celebrate, we all got together at the new Primary Playground in Olivos and at the Auditorium in Nordelta, and shared an assembly. Our School authorities addressed the audience, we sang the National Anthem and our [...]

Presentation of 2023 Plan & Objectives by Headmistress, Lucila Minvielle

Presentación de los objetivos y plan 2023 por nuestra Directora General, Lucila Minvielle To start the 2023 School Year, Headmistress Lucila Minvielle presented the 2023 Plan and Objectives to a large crowd of families, including new families, present at the meetings at both sites. It was great to see everyone renewed after the holidays and [...]

Sailing into a wonderful year

Comenzando un maravilloso año Olivos Primary got together as part of our 2023 INSET to get ready for the School Year. We shared this year’s objectives and goals. Together with Nordelta’s staff, we shared a meaningful workshop with María Zysman, founder of “Fundación Libres de Bullying”. Also, Alejandra Tejón, our Academic Director, led a run-through [...]

Northlands’ staff got back together for an exciting 2023 kick-off

El Staff de Northlands se juntó nuevamente para un emocionante inicio de 2023 Northlands' staff got back together at our Olivos site for an exciting 2023 kick-off. It was great to see every one renewed after the holidays. Headmistress Lucila Minvielle took us through the 2023 School year objectives and Plan. We were also privileged [...]

The friendly path we share with La Concepcion

Compartimos un recorrido amistoso con La Concepción Nordelta Kindergarten La Concepcion School and Northlands Kinder Nordelta; 2 communities that grow and learn collaboratively. 9 years ago, we initiated a friendly learning path that allowed us to share pedagogical projects that have transformed year after year with visits, interchanges, encounters and very valuable experiences for the children of both [...]

Campaing to raise awareness

Campaña para generar conciencia Nordelta Primary Our students from Nordelta Primary led a campaign to raise awareness about the importance of protecting some animal species. Also reducing, reusing, and recycling, as well as promoting the use of bicycles rather than using cars. Congratulations to all those involved! Nuestros alumnos de Primaria Nordelta llevaron a cabo [...]

2022 General Knowledge Interhouse

2022 General Knowledge Interhouse Olivos & Nordelta Secondary On November 24, the Interhouse General Knowledge was held at both Sites. This House event was enjoyed by Captains, students and teachers, either as part of the teams or as an audience, and celebrated by all. Congratulations to all those who participated, and specially to the winning [...]

Design & Technology Final Project

Proyecto final Diseño y Tecnología Olivos Secondary - Y7 The theme of the year was Smart City. We learned what features and benefits a smart city has and everything the Y7 students learned had to do with that topic. Finally, we decided to integrate everything seen in the year, putting together a mockup. In this [...]