Service Trip to Rosario del Tala
Viaje de Servicio a Rosario del Tala Olivos & Nordelta Secondary As every year, students from Y8 and Y9 of both campuses shared 3 days of games and work with students from schools 50 and 51 in Rosario de Tala, Entre Ríos. Workshops were organised, a clothing fair was held, which raised around $450,000 between [...]
Children’s Day
Día de la Niñez Olivos & Nordelta Primary OLIVOS PRIMARY Happy Children's Day! Together, we celebrated Children's Day with various playtime activities. Throughout different moments of the day, students from Y1 to Y6 were able to have fun and enjoy their day by playing many game stations, which included Twister, Jenga, Clown Pants, Minesweeper, Memotest, [...]
Athletics Training Y4 to Y9 and Europe Sports Tour
Entrenamiento de Atletismo y Gira a Europa 2023 Olivos & Nordelta - Primary & Secondary Y4 to Y9 ATHLETICS TRAINING Y4 to Y9 A beautiful morning of training. Y4 to Y9 practiced athletics, the sport of fundamental physical abilities: strength, endurance, flexibility, and coordination, the ability to perform movements accurately, quickly, and orderly. A significant [...]
Commemoration of the Passing of General San Martín
Conmemoración al fallecimiento del General San Martín Olivos Primary - Y6 On Tuesday 22, Y6 students were in charge of the Commemoration of the Passing of General San Martín. On this occasion, they shared with their families and all the Primary School everything they had learned about our national hero. They played instruments, sang, danced, [...]
PE Colours and Cross Merit Awards
PE Colours y Cross Merit Awards Olivos Primary - EP2 Last Tuesday, EP2 students had their PE Assembly, where they received PE colours and merit awards for their Hockey and Rugby performance. Beyond the recognitions, we would like to highlight the essence of this gathering and the effort of all the students. We congratulate all [...]
Pop-Art Workshop with Gaspar Libedinsky
Taller de Pop Art con Gaspar Libedinsky Olivos Primary - Y4 BAM! WOW! OMG! As part of the inquiry carried out by Y4 students on the "Pop Art" movement, we welcomed Gaspar Libedinsky, a renowned Argentine artist, architect, and curator, and Catalina Libedinsky’s father, who organised an Art Workshop. The workshop involved creating cloth "Outfits" [...]
Y6 Guest Speaker on Migration
Invitada especial sobre Migraciones Nordelta Primary - Y6 On Thursday, our school had the privilege of hosting Judith Freidenberg (ON 63), grandmother of one of our Y6 students. Her visit was a remarkable opportunity for our Y6 students to gain profound insights into the intricate topic of migration. During her presentation, Judith delved deep into [...]
Metaverse Project
Proyecto Metaverso Olivos Sevondary - Y7 This project aims to combine Metaverse technology with the study of prehistory, allowing participants to explore and learn interactively about the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras. By utilising the Metaverse as an educational platform, the goal is to foster creativity, knowledge exchange, and collaboration among students, with the aim of [...]