EP2 Sports
Sports Olivos & Nordelta Primary - EP2 We play not just as a team, but as a family. This Saturday, we celebrated Y4, Y5 & Y6 Sports in our Nordelta Campus as a community. On a sunny spring day, we welcomed students and their families who came to support and cheer. We enjoyed students' performance, [...]
Teacher’s Day
Día del maestro Olivos Primary Happy Teacher's day! Last Tuesday, Year 1 students were in charge of the event for Teacher's Day, where they shared with families and primary school students everything they learned about Domingo Faustino Sarmiento. Through the reading of a suuuuuper surprising, myyyyyysterious, and very faaaabulous story titled "The Dream of the [...]
Teacher’s Day
Día del maestro Nordelta Primary On Teacher's Day, we gathered to remember and pay tribute to Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, the father of education in Argentina. In this special assembly, we emphasized the contribution of each person to our great Northlands team. Together, we make up a grand puzzle that symbolizes teamwork, collaboration, passion, creativity, and [...]
Collaborative Project Y12 OL IB Theatre Arts
Proyecto Colaborativo Alumnos Año 12 Olivos de Teatro IB Olivos Secondary - Y12 On Friday, September 8th, Y12 Olivos IB Theatre Arts students showcased their collaborative original theatre piece to an audience comprising students and LSU members, presenting it as a full production realisation. Following this captivating performance, the ensemble engaged in an enriching talkback [...]
CIS International University Fair at Northlands
Feria Internacional de Universidades CIS en Northlands Olivos & Nordelta Secondary - Y10, Y11 & Y12 This September we had the pleasure of hosting the International University Fair at our Nordelta site. It was an enriching experience for our Y10 & Y11 & Y12 students from both sites, as they got to meet university representatives [...]
Friendship Day
Día de Convivencia Olivos Secondary - Y8 On Wednesday 13 September, Y8 students enjoyed a Friendship Day as part of the PSE programme. We carried out several group activities aimed to strengthening bonds and fostering team work that contributes to the exchange among peers. Take a look at these pics! El miércoles 13 de septiembre [...]
Semana AUDELA Olivos Secondary - Y7, Y8 & Y9 From 4 to 8 September in Secondary Olivos we shared talks and workshops with Y7, Y8 and Y9 students together with Fundacion Audela, which aims at building awareness to educate society on the skills that people with disabilities can develop. We would like to thank Karina, [...]