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Y11 Students visited Atucha nuclear power plant

Los alumnos de Año 11 visitaron la central nuclear Atucha Olivos & Nordelta - Y11 A few weeks ago, Y11 students from both sites visited Atucha nuclear power plant located in Lima, Campana, Buenos Aires. During the tour, plant representatives explained how it operates, and students were able to ask questions about waste management, energy [...]

Y6 – Flower Dissection

Disección de Flores Olivos Primary - Y6 In UOI 3, Y6 students inquire into the reproduction of living beings. Within this topic, they visited the science lab where our Lab Assistant, Daniel Campioni, welcomed them to observe different examples of flowers, recognize their parts and identify the different roles they play in the sexual reproduction [...]

Y5 – Workshop with María Zysman

Taller con María Zysman Olivos Primary - Y5 This Wednesday, students of Y5A welcomed their families to participate in a gathering led by María Zysman, a prominent educational psychologist and founder of the organisation Libres de Bullying. During this gathering, there was dialogue and reflection on the nature of their relationships, empathy, assertiveness, and the [...]

Y2 – What did you want to be when you were a child?

¿Qué querías ser cuando eras niño? Olivos Primary - Y2 "The dreams of childhood are seeds we plant in the soil of imagination, hoping to harvest when we become adults." To conclude the week and within the framework of Unit of Inquiry 5, "Production and Service" in which Y2 students carry out an inquiry into [...]

Mural Y6 Families

Mural Familias Año 6 Olivos Primary - Y6 "In the silence of space, art echoes the loudest." This Monday, Y6 students presented to their families the artistic intervention they carried out during their Art classes. Jellyfish, monkeys, elephants, giraffes, and abundant flora now adorn our space on the primary school stairs. Through this experience, our [...]

Provincial Mathematical Olympiad OMA

Certamen Provincial Olimpiadas Matemática OMA Olivos Primary On Thursday, August 24th, 20 students from Y5 & Y6 participated in the Regional stage of the Argentine Mathematical Olympiad-Ñandú. They qualified for this stage after passing the Zonal round. Students attended Marín School and took their exams alongside children from other schools in the area. We congratulate [...]

Students’ Day Celebration

Festejo Día del Estudiante Olivos Secondary On Thursday 28 September we celebrated the Students' Day on Secondary. The event was aimed at sharing a different moment among students and teachers. We had lunch together and enjoyed playing the game Pasapalabra organised with the help of our leaders (prefects and captains) and Y11 future leader candidates. We ended [...]

Celebrating the Arts at Northlands – Vernissage IB Art

Celebrando las Artes en Northlands - IB Vernissage Olivos & Nordelta Secondary Creativity is at the heart of the Arts. It allows innovation, research, analysis and transfers. Placing value on imagination and celebrating original thinking helps promote personal creative development. The arts have a positive influence on self-esteem; this is why the IB Visual Arts [...]