¿Qué esta pasando en NORTHLANDS?


EP2 Sports

On Saturday, September 28, we had the pleasure of welcoming families to our sports field in Nordelta. It was a memorable day where boys and girls, future leaders of secondary school, alongside teachers, directors and the entire Physical Education team, enjoyed a wonderful day together. We put everything we’ve learned to the test, challenged ourselves [...]

Kinder Parents Play

Kindergarten families gave their children the best gift: their time! With great enthusiasm and collaborative effort, they adapted Cristina Macjus' story “The Giant Beet" and turned it into a musical play, where each person brought to life various attributes of the IB community: they were risk-takers, open-minded, communicators, and caring. It was a moment of [...]

Enriching Teachers´ Practices

Last Tuesday, Nordelta Primary teachers had the wonderful opportunity to attend the second part of a training course on assessment, led by Dr. Graciela Cappelletti, an expert in education. The session covered key topics such as a comprehensive approach to evaluating individual learning trajectories and the use of portfolios. Teachers were able to share their [...]

EP2 Choral Event Encantar: Trip to Mar del Plata

Last week, our Primary Choir went on a road trip to Mar del Plata, to participate in the Choral event ‘Encantar’. They stayed at the Santa Teresita Hotel. Once they arrived, they had a welcome event and some exchanges with students from other schools. On Thursday, it was show time! During the afternoon, our Choir [...]

Visit to Virgen del Carmen School

We continue strengthening ties with Virgen del Carmen School. With great joy, the Spiders and Zebras PM classes visited the Kindergarten and shared a day filled with games, music and art. It was a wonderful opportunity to discover how much we have in common. Seguimos profundizando lazos con el Colegio Virgen del Carmen. Con mucha [...]

OMA – On to the Nationals

We are excited to share that two of our primary students have successfully passed the Regional Stage of the Ñandú Maths Olympics and advanced to the National Stage! Olivia Meyer from Nordelta and Tomás Gamerro from Olivos will proudly represent us in the final round, which will take place in Córdoba at the end of [...]

PYP Updates

Over the past two weeks, our EP1 & EP2 Teachers were immersed in a teacher training session, led by our Deputy Head and IB PYP Coordinator, María Inés Martínez Beccar. On this opportunity, the sessions focused on the updates of the IB and the PYP. Working in groups, they had the chance to have a [...]

VIII Congress of NeuroTechno-Pedagogies and Educational Coaching

Last Friday, we had the opportunity to attend the VIII Congress of NeuroTechno-Pedagogies and Educational Coaching organised at Regente Hotel. In this opportunity, we had the chance to listen to different speakers and referents of the educational setting, talking about ‘Leadership and Change Management in Educational Institutions’. Boris Mir, from Barcelona, Lucrecia Prat Gay, neuropsycho-educator [...]