¿Qué esta pasando en NORTHLANDS?


Green Patrol & CAS Students!

 Multi-age spaces support actions aimed at improving the quality of our environment.  On this occasion, the CAS and GREEN PATROL students have collected and sorted paper for recycling. Cooperation between students of different ages encourages greater integration and fosters an environment where each member can become the best version of themselves, this time in favour [...]

Getting ready for Peter Pan 2024

Last Monday, EP1 students, led by their Drama Teacher, Luciana San Martin, conducted a run-through of their 2024 Musical, Peter Pan. They had the opportunity to sing the songs and perform the choreographies following the play script. Y3 students could run their lines and get acquainted with the use of microphones and with entering and [...]

Student Led Conference Y1

"Learning is a better adventure when shared!" Last week, our wonderful students from Y1, Y2, and Y3 welcomed their families to a special event: The SLC, a Big Portfolio Show! For 30 exciting minutes, the students became superstars, showing off their amazing work from the school year. As always, Student Led Conferences are a fantastic [...]

South American International Schools Forum and Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia

Last week Paula Riesenkamp was invited to attend the South American International Schools Forum and Workshop in Bogotá, Colombia, representing Northlands School. This event was organised by Times Higher Education. Paula was appointed member of Times Higher Education Regional Advisory Board Latin America in May 2024. During this event she delivered four sessions that are [...]

Kindergarten Art Week: “Barriletes y Flores”

At Olivos Kindergarten, we celebrated the start of Arts Week by attending the concert 'Barriletes y flores' at the Brightman Hall. The show is a musical proposal for children, exploring folk rhythms and dances from different regions of Argentina and other Latin American countries. On this occasion, we had special guests: the children from the [...]

Understanding Sustainable Development

Last week, Stella Russo, mother of one of our Y6 students and UN Program Associate for Argentina, visited the PYP Exhibition Class to discuss United Nation´s Global Goals for Sustainable Development.  The 2030 UN Agenda provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. It is [...]

Y2 Lights & Shadows

Throughout the UOI "Lights and Shadows", Y2 students carried out various experiments to investigate what light is, what types there are and its properties. During an outdoor activity, students went on a shadow hunt in the school yard to explore how shadows are generated when light is blocked by different objects. This activity allowed them [...]

On the road to Mathematical greatness

Last week, Y3 students had the amazing opportunity to showcase their mathematical skills through a fun and collaborative game of Multiplication Olympics. Based on the times tables, students applied their knowledge to move on to more challenging stages till only five participants were left and were declared the winners. This was the first incursion into [...]