Building Scientific Models
Construyendo Modelos Científicos
Nordelta Secondary – Y8
Y8 Biology students had to build 3D models with ordinary recyclable materials about a given specialised cell. What was the main purpose of building scientific models? Scientific modelling is used in every branch of science and is a go-to when communicating scientific ideas. In the scientific method, making and using models is essential when explaining data. When models are used, the goal is to communicate how a phenomenon works. In this case, they had to research how the shape of each cell helps them to carry out their function.
With this work, students were able to show their creativity and social skills since they had to get organized within groups they selected and manage their time wisely to be able to prioritise understanding.
Then, each group showed their work to the rest of the class and some groups went further preparing oral presentations, videos and kahoots!
Here we share their inventive models so you can appreciate them too!
Los estudiantes de biología de Y8 tuvieron que construir maquetas con materiales simples y reciclables sobre una célula especializada determinada. ¿Cuál era el propósito principal de construir estos modelos científicos? El modelado científico se utiliza en todas las ramas de la ciencia y es un recurso cuando se comunican ideas científicas. En el método científico, hacer y usar modelos es esencial al explicar los datos. Cuando se utilizan modelos, el objetivo es comunicar cómo funciona un fenómeno. En este caso, tuvieron que investigar cómo la forma de cada célula les ayuda a llevar a cabo su función.
Con este trabajo, los estudian
Luego, cada grupo mostró su t
¡Aquí compartimos sus inventivos modelos para que también puedan apreciarlos!
Sperm Cell – Emilia Freire, Make Cirielli, Lourdes Levy y Sol Weinberg

Red Blood Cell- Thiago Oviedo, Beltran Garcia Villaverde, Santino D’amore, Oliver Briceno

Plant Cell – Mia herbstein, Thiago Espina y Tomas Defanti

Nerve cell- Y8C – Vicente Gambaruto, José Pantin, Ámbar Farina

Hair root cell : Alfonso Azzollini, Nicolas Damore, Valentin Ferro

Bacteria Cell: Lola Epstein, Benjamin Arias Ferraina, Victoria Gallo

Bacteria cell; Joaquina, Helena and Olivia

Bacteria cell-Daniela, Larissa and Lucia

Animal cell-Juan Manuel Gomez Espinosa, Manuel Feldman, Benicio Estevanez

Animal Cell – Camila Chiaromonte, Manuela Ortiz y Joao Canova