Author: northlands


Y4 & Y5 ADE

ADE Año 5 y 6 Olivos & Nordelta Primary Overall  Girls A+B 2nd place (posta+tria) Boys A+B 2nd place (posta+tria) Y4 Girls Tria: 2nd place Posta: 5th place Tria+Posta: 2nd place Y4 Boys Tria: 3ros Posta: 1st place Tria+Posta: 2nd place Y5 Girls Tria: 1st place Posta: 4th place Tria+Posta: 1st place Y5 Boys Tria: [...]

Shakespeare Festival

Festival Shakespeare We are glad to announce that Casiana Sterman and Alma Brener won the first prize award in music at the XII International Shakespeare Festival, which took place in the Brightman Hall last Friday, September 29th. We wanted to thank the students, families, and faculty staff involved. Estamos muy orgullosos de anunciarles que las [...]

Y1 – Next Destination: Egypt!

Próximo destino - ¡Egipto! Olivos Primary - Y1 All aboard! Next destination: Egypt! Last Friday, Year 1 welcomed Ana Inés Etchepareborda, a history teacher specialised in art, who conducted a presentation and a talk about Egyptian culture and civilisation. Through various photos and artifacts, Year 1 students traveled to Egypt and learned about the pyramids, [...]

Y6 & Y7 ADE

ADE Olivos & Nordelta - Y6 & Y7 14 Schools participated from the ADE, and the results matched the progress in values and autonomy. Y6 Girls: 2nd place Y6 Boys: 1st place Y7 Girls: 6th place Y7 Boys: 2nd place Overall Girls: 2nd place Overall Boys: 2nd place Y6 Girls: "We loved the tournament, being [...]

Y1 Northlands Airlines

Northlands Airlines Olivos Primary - Y1 Ladies and gentlemen, the captain has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign. Please take your seat and fasten your seatbelt securely. UOI 5: Departed! Year 1 students have started working on their UOI 5 “A long long time ago” boarding on Northlands Airlines. Following an initial introduction to Egyptian [...]

Talk led by Maritchu Seitun – How to support children in their growth?

Charla a cargo de Maritchu Seitún - ¿Cómo acompañar a los chicos en su crecimiento? Olivos Primary On Thursday, September 28th, we had the pleasure of hosting Lic. Maritchu Seitún, a psychologist specialised in parenting and guidance for families. She delivered a presentation on the essential topic of nurturing children's development through every phase of [...]

Y6 – Radio Exhibition

Exhibición de Radio Olivos Primary - Y6 The Radio time! Exhibition has been going on for the past month and a half. During this time, students have been researching different topics of their interest. While inquiring and developing different ways to present what they have learned, students have begun to produce some very interesting material. [...]

K5 Olivos Swimming Meeting

Encuentro de Natación Olivos Kinder - K5 With a high attendance of children and adults, we had a rewarding gathering to play in the water and share family challenges. For starters, we celebrated the importance of family play, enjoyed the water, acquiring the virtues of dedication and tenacity inherent in embracing such a challenging discipline. [...]