Author: northlands


Professional development – Diplomatura Mecha & Andrea

Professional development - Diplomatura Mecha y Andrea Olivos Primary Last week, Mercedes Casserly and Andrea Tombolato, teachers from Y6 & Y5, participated in the graduation ceremony of the "Creative Transformation for Education" diploma at the University of San Isidro. During this experience, they reviewed various historical innovative pedagogical models generated from history, generated new toolkits [...]

Y3 Friendship Day

Friendship Day Nordelta Primary - Y3 On Monday, November 6th, our Year 3 students came together to celebrate Friendship Day right here on our school premises. Friendship Days provide a valuable opportunity for students to engage in activities that foster deeper connections and reinforce the bonds of friendship. Throughout the day, Year 3 students relished [...]

Choral Symphonic Concerts

Concierto Sinfónico Coral Olivos & Nordelta The Choral Symphonic Concerts, held at our Olivos and Nordelta sites, were truly touching and enriching. The active participation of Primary and Secondary students, along with the outstanding performances of the Primary choir, the Senior Choir, and the Community Choir, created a unique musical experience. The blend of youthful [...]

Y9 Friendship Day

Convivencia Olivos Secondary - Y9 On Friday 27 October, Y9 participated in a Friendship Day organised by the PSE team. It was a very enriching experience where we carried out various games and activities with the aim of promoting and strengthening bonds, and encouraging healthy fun. El viernes 27 de octubre Y9 participó de un [...]

Y4 visited the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires

Visita al Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires Olivos Primary - Y4 Last Friday, Y4 students went to visit the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires. During this visit, they had the opportunity to explore three art galleries titled “Pupila”, “Manifiesto verde” and “A 18 minutos del Sol”.  These exhibitions are part of [...]

OMA – Ñandú – Olivos & Nordelta

OMA - Ñandú  Olivos & Nordelta Primary & Secondary - Y5, Y6 & Y7 Last week, Matteo Benizio Deambrosi, Tomas Krezses, Olivia Catalina Meyer and Lev Dudin, from Y5, Y6 & Y7, participated in the National stage of the Argentine Mathematics Olympiad-Ñandú. They qualified for this stage after passing the Regional round. The students travelled [...]

PE Colours and Athletics Merits

PE colours y reconocimientos en Atletismo Olivos Primary - EP2 This past Tuesday, EP2 students had a PE Assembly, where they received PE colours and merit awards for their performance during the Athletics season. Beyond the recognitions, we would like to highlight the effort of all the students. We congratulate EP2 for their hard work [...]

Talk led by Maritchu Seitun

Charla a cargo de Maritchu Seitun Nordelta Primary On Wednesday, October 25th, Nordelta's Primary School welcomed Child Psychologist Maritchu Seitún for an insightful discussion with parents. The topic of the talk was "Guiding Our Children's Growth," emphasising the vital role of setting loving yet firm boundaries. During the session, Primary School parents had the opportunity [...]