Author: northlands


Writing Proposal Y4 – Julián Bertuzzi

Nordelta Primary In an effort to enhance their language proficiency, Year 4 students were presented with a writing challenge centred around the reading and reflection of Gustavo Roldán's story, "Historia de la vizcacha y la lechuza" (Story of the Vizcacha and the Owl). This writing proposal involved students with retelling, from the perspective of the [...]

Rancho de Popy

Nordelta Primary - Y5 From November 21 to 24, we went camping in Tandil, a spectacular experience filled with adventures and challenges. Hiking, suspension bridge, rappelling, ascents, canoeing, swimming pool, many birthdays, ziplining, indoor and outdoor climbing walls, lots of learning, and time to share and enjoy with friends. Congratulations to everyone for achieving all [...]

K4 & K5 Swimming Meeting

Nordelta Kinder Incredible day with many special visits... We welcomed families to celebrate the achievements of the students throughout the year with K4. Additionally, for K5, we invited them to get into the pool to play together in the water because it is very important to find time to play, share, and learn as a [...]

Y3 visited the Museum of Natural Sciences

Olivos Primary Last Friday, our Y3 students visited the Museum of Natural Sciences as part of UOI 4 "Living Together." During the visit, they were able to explore different rooms with their exhibits. They learned many features of mammals, travelled to the past through palaeontology and representations of various dinosaurs, and observed in detail different [...]

Y6 – Artistic Expressions Action

Olivos Primary We told you this wasn’t over! This week, the "Artistic Expressions" Exhibition group carried out a significant action as a closing event of their PYP Exhibition. With a large audience, they invited students to express a message of peace through art. They painted mandalas, created doves with recycled paper using the origami technique, [...]

A Sky Full of Stars: To infinity and beyond!

Olivos Primary - Y1 & Y6 Did you think our exhibition was over? Not at all! Y6 Exhibition groups that inquired and presented on the topic "The Universe" carried out their action with the Year 1 students, who are working on UOI 6 "A Sky Full of Stars." In this context, they taught their little [...]

Y1 visited the Ecopark

Olivos Primary In the context of UOI 4, Guardians of the Planet, Y1 students visited the Ecopark in Buenos Aires. During the tour, they received information about the fauna and flora of our country, as well as key aspects of different exotic animals. They saw camels, giraffes, elephants, various species of birds, rodents, and wild [...]

Y12 visits Primary

Olivos Primary & Secondary Congratulations Y12! As part of the conclusion of their time at the school, Y12 students visited spacesPrimary classes. During the tour, they were able to answer questions from the Primary students related to their time in our section. The upcoming Y12 graduates shared the experiences that were most challenging, the memories [...]