Author: northlands


Anti-Bullying Day

Throughout this week, as we approach International Anti-Bullying Day on May 2nd, our Year 6 students have been engaged in thoughtful reflection on the crucial distinction between being a bystander and an upstander.  Unanimously, we've recognised the pivotal role of being active upstanders in preventing bullying. Hence, we've united to create a vibrant mural in [...]

Y1 Olivos – It’s playdough time!

Our Y1 eager inquirers visited the science lab to learn how to make their own playdough. They were also able to practise several skills important for lab work: measuring, following steps, mixing and team work. Come and see the results!   Nuestros entusiastas indagadores de Y1 visitaron el laboratorio para aprender cómo hacer su propia [...]

Y6 Olivos – Conversation with “The Rainforest Alliance”

Have you heard of “The Rainforest Alliance? You can ask all about it to our Y6 students! They welcomed Santiago Gowland, CEO, who came to Northlands to tell them all about diversity and different ways to help protect our environment. Climate change, deforestation, indigenous communities, rural prosperity and responsible business practices were some of the [...]

Interhouse Cross Country

Primary Tuesday, April 23rd, was the eagerly awaited day of the Cross Country, filled with nerves from students and many families who were anxious to witness this emotionally charged event. We decided this year would be special by involving families in the event as part of the "Family Team," a support team dedicated to accompanying [...]

Y3 Nordelta Camping

The group thoroughly enjoyed the experience of being in contact with nature. During this outdoor adventure, they not only enjoyed the natural surroundings, but also gained knowledge about the environment. We encouraged an active and healthy lifestyle, where they pitched tents, participated in outdoor games during the day, without worrying about mosquitoes, and were full [...]

Swimming Tournament

On Friday 19th April, the school swimming team took part in the first school tournament organised by the Northern Swimming League, which was attended by various institutions such as Colegio Huerto de los Olivos, San Andrés, Lincoln, San Ignacio, as well as our school Northlands. Participation in these events is not only a competition, but [...]

2024 Solidarity Kermesse & Intercultural Event

Our 2024 Solidarity Kermesse was, once again, a magnificent event. We are so proud of this year’s celebration and how, together through Friendship & Service, we raised funds for our service projects while strenghthening bonds among our wonderful community. Thank you all for BEING NORTHLANDS! See you next year! Nuestra Kermesse Solidaria 2024 fue, una vez más, un [...]

Kinder Multiage Spaces

The multi-age spaces are back! We have once again launched this project, so long awaited and enjoyed by our children, through which we encourage agency (voice, choice & ownership) and autonomy from early childhood. Through free movement through the different spaces, they develop different skills, working cooperatively with children of different ages and similar interests.  [...]