Author: northlands


Australia Educa Fair at Northlands

We had the pleasure of hosting the Australia Educa Fair both at Olivos and Nordelta sites. It was a fruitful experience for our Y11 and 12 students as they were able to interact with university representatives from prestigious Australian universities. In accordance with our motto Friendship and Service students from other schools were invited such [...]

Y12 Nordelta visited Y1

Within the framework of CAS (Creativity, Activity & Service) and with the objective of working collaboratively across groups of different ages, Y12 visited Y1 to share a Maths Bingo and launch the research on present and past times following Y1´s UOI, A Trip Back in Time. These are the first two of the five planned [...]

Espacio Bomberitos K4

In the framework of the unit of inquiry "Jugando a trabajar", K4 students visited "Espacio Bomberitos", organised by the Villa Ballester Volunteer Firefighters.  In addition to learning more about the equipment and the tasks they carry out, the place educates children on prevention and safety issues through play and experience using their senses.   En [...]

PE Activities

YOGA ACTIVITY FOR KINDER On Saturday, May 4th, we enjoyed our first "Yoguitos en Movimiento" gathering. Nearly all the workshop participants attended, and we truly enjoyed this discipline immensely. Cande and Angie, our ONC teachers, outdid themselves with the session, and that wonderful bowl that allowed us to relax at the end of the gathering. [...]

Y6 Olivos Friendship Day

On Thursday 30th, Year 6 students enjoyed a full afternoon of activities. Starting with an introspective task, they engaged in sharing their responses with classmates from other Year 6 classes. Following this, they participated in a lively game where they attempted to identify individuals hidden beneath a blanket. The afternoon culminated in a thrilling scavenger [...]

Zoom out and zoom in!

In the context of UOI "Our Identity", where Year 4 students investigated Argentine identity, and after reading Horacio Quiroga's book "Cuentos de la selva," they went on two interesting visits to our primary school laboratory. There, they became keen observers of living beings: animals and plants. Using the animals and plants of the Misiones jungle [...]

K4 dives into a new adventure

K4 Nordelta embarks on a new journey! Within the framework of Earth Day, K4 students have launched into a new unit of inquiry. Throughout this adventure, they will explore the fascinating world of marine life, discovering the unique characteristics of sea creatures, and understanding the significance of preserving this vital ecosystem on our planet. K4 [...]

Olivos & Nordelta International Families Breakfast

To welcome new families joining our Northlands Community we held a special breakfast at each site to strengthen and build bonds amongst the international families and support them in their transition process to their new country and school. A big thank you to our International Delegates for their hard work and commitment. On this occasion, [...]