Author: northlands


Y2B Assembly – Out of a Fairy Tale

Last Wednesday, Y2B students had a magical Assembly based on their UOI “Traditional Tales”. Within the framework of the transdisciplinary theme How we express ourselves, students dressed up as fairy tale characters, explained the main features of traditional children´s stories and retold some of them. The morning's highlight was “Goldilocks and the Three Bears”: students [...]

“I don’t know yet, but I want to help others!”

What did you dream of becoming when you were a child? "Childhood dreams are like stars guiding us through the vast universe of possibilities, waiting to shine bright when we grow up." To wrap up the week, and as part of Unit of Inquiry 5, "Production and Service," where Y2 students have been exploring the [...]

Y5 Building Bridges

Y5 students took the concept of building bridges to heart in their IT lessons! They researched Leonardo Da Vinci´s models and drawings to build a replica of the famous self-supporting bridge using ice-pop sticks. Later on, they delved into the laws of Physics by making a bridge out of playing cards and loading weight onto [...]

Cultural Diversity Day

This week, Year 5 students led an assembly celebrating cultural diversity. The kickoff was October 12th, a date recognised in our national calendar for this observance. They explored the historical significance of the day, highlighting how its meaning and designation have evolved over the years. The students also discussed various perspectives on diversity and shared [...]

Y6 The Portrait-unit studying artists

Our Y6 students are working on the Portrait unit. This unit is covered every year because: It allows them to explore their identity and express themselves through art. It encourages technical skills such as observation, drawing, and painting. It helps children to understand and express emotions, both their own and those of others. It teaches [...]

Diversity Day Nordelta Kinder

What a colourful celebration! We marked Diversity Day with a spectacular music show featuring rhythms and colours from all over Latin America. A warm thank you to Flores y Barriletes for their beautiful performance. ¡Qué celebración tan colorida! Conmemoramos el Día de la Diversidad con un espectacular espectáculo musical que incluyó ritmos y colores de [...]

Y3 Afternoon at the Museum!

Last Friday, our Y3 students had the chance to visit the Museum of Natural Sciences, this time in connection with UOI 4 "Living Together." But don’t worry! The animals there don’t come to life… at least not during the day! So it was a safe environment for our students, who explored various rooms filled with [...]

Student Led Conference Y1

Our learning journey This week, Y1 opened the Student Led Conferences season with a wonderful event: they showed their parents their leading role in their learning journeys through a wonderful portfolio showcasing their progress along this year.  They talked to parents about their work, taking advantage of this opportunity to put metacognition skills in action [...]