Author: northlands


Creator of Games – Y1 & Y6 Olivos

Within the framework of UOI 2, Diversity in Latin America, Y6 students read "El Inventor de Juegos" by Pablo de Santis. Then, during their PDL classes, they took on the role of designers and creators to develop different types of board games for their Little Brothers and Little Sisters. Finally, the students had the opportunity [...]

Olivos Student Ambassadors

A few days ago, our School Head, Ms Lucila Minvielle, welcomed our Student Ambassadors to congratulate them on this important role. During this celebration, students received their Ambassador pins and talked about the role and its responsibilities. Congratulations to our students for this great recognition! Next, we share the names of our Ambassadors. Y4A: Fausto [...]

Northlands Tour! Y2 Olivos

Last Friday, Y2 received a visit from Alicia Loza, a member of the Vicente López Municipality, who came to Northlands to share a workshop on Road Safety with our students. The visit took place within the framework of the UOI “Change, Everything Changes”, where students inquire on different means of transport. In the morning, our [...]

ADE Norte

Congratulations to all the representatives of Northlands who were selected to represent the ADE North team: Y7 Rugby: Final result: 17-5 North Y7 Volleyball: Final results: Boys: 3 South and 1 North Girls: 4 South and 2 North Y7 Hockey: Final results: North 3 - South 2 South 3 - North 0 Senior Rugby: Final [...]

Yoga at Kinder

A new opportunity to introduce children to the beautiful world of Yoga. This time in Nordelta, guided by Silvana, mother of Primary and Secondary students from our Olivos Site. We had a super interesting encounter where the kids not only practiced some poses but also delved into the foundations of the practice. We breathed, greeted [...]

Y2 Nordelta visited Jardin San Francisco

As part of the Unit of Inquiry "Changes", Year 2 students explored the importance of developing healthy habits and caring for their bodies. Inspired by the theme "Being with Others in Community" from our Personal and Social Education Program, students chose to share their newfound knowledge with students at “Jardín San Francisco” in Tigre. This [...]

Y2 Nordelta – Discovering the world of bacteria

An invisible world!  During the UOI 'Changes,' Year 2 students worked on the importance of health care. One of the activities carried out in the science lab revealed a tiny world we cannot see with our eyes: bacteria. The students discovered that bacteria are everywhere, even on our hands and in our mouths and that [...]

Friendship Day Y5 Nordelta

In April, Year 5 students celebrated Friendship Day. This special day provides an opportunity for students to reflect on themselves and better understand their peers, while also fostering teamwork through various activities. Our Friendship Day began with individual reflection, followed by sharing these thoughts with classmates who are not their closest friends. After enjoying a [...]